So I managed to get the bitch who has been copying off me all semester in History to copy the names of Pokemon towns off my test.
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What kid never played Pokémon? Bitch deserves that F
OP used misdirection. It's super effective!
I'm guessing she never figured out how to make it out of Pallet Town.
A massive win on your part.
Professor oak wouldn't let her go in the tall grass...
That's way too awesome!!!
Probably wasn't difficult...she's been copying off you habitually. Excellent retaliation though, A+.
Bravo! Justice, revenge and perhaps a lesson all executed with style.
Epic winning
Gotta Catch Em'All: Cheaters Edition!
I love pokemon
Gonna do that with Skyrim to the dumbass next to me in history
who says video games aren't educational?
Don't be hating the cheaters. Ain't nothing wrong with taking answers. She would owe you one if you didn't f with her like that.
PERFECT !(: show that bitch
Epic win
She must be from southeast Asia.
I thought they sounded familiar... shit.
Battle of Gettysburg: took place in Pallet Town.
Win in my book!
So... You failed too, then, of you put pokemon towns as all of your answers...
clearly he waited till she handed in her test and changed all his answers dumb fuck
ur dumb as fuck and you dont even know why
lmao she should have known that was pokemon i mean come one who hasnt played that game it was amazing fucking dumbass girl DEE DEE DEE
welcome to 2011, where not even retards say dee dee dee. fuckin moron
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