Waterfall is where u have a few ppl in a row and they all start drinking when the first person starts and u can't stop till the person infront of you does
You guys are retarted waterfalling is a way to smoke weed. You let the water spill out a hole towards the bottom of the bong then breathe it in through the top. Gets you pretty high.
Slang words mean different things in different places and to different people, so anyone who called anyone else an idiot for the term meaning something else to them is really a short sighted moron.
ok to all you dumbasses heres how to make a waterfall. Take a bottle well say gatorade. then put a small hole in the top for a ratchet top 1/18th works the best. put weed in makeshift bowl.fill bottle with water. poke hole in bottom of bottle. light your herb and watch gravity do its job. take of cap, inhale. enjoy movie
Waterfall is a drinking thing where a group starts n u can't stop till the person on ur left stops... Letting the water drip out then smoking what's in the bottle is a gravity bong...
Guys waterfalling is a drinking and smoking thing. Pretty sure its drinking but wen u waterfall weed damn u get fuked up. The smoke turns yellooowwww. So raw
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