As an Independent, I tried to be understanding and watch Fox News for as long as possible without being offended or pissed off. I lasted a little over 4 minutes.
From Oct 15
Prime Time
FNC – 2,614,000viewers
CNN— 848,000 viewers
MSNBC –842,000 viewers
CNBC – 184,000 viewers
HLN – 607,000 viewers
Oct 14
Prime Time
FNC – 2,699,000viewers
CNN— 933,000 viewers
MSNBC –887,000 viewers
CNBC – 206,000 viewers
HLN – 730,000 viewers
Common trend.... look it up
how do you know thre situation didnt go down like this: the person he is texting was supposed to give him a ride, but now couldnt, and fx news told him it was going to rain. and he now had to walk. HA. farfetched lol but still.
Fox news contradicts itself all the time. Glenn Beck: "I believe we have a president who has a deep seeded hatred for white people." 1 minute later... "Look, I'm not saying he dislikes white people..." fucking prick.
The world was listening to oriellys shit for eight years before they got tired of bush and voted for Obama. He's not the best choice but that's what happens when the whole nation has had their minds numbed by a two term jackass cowboy for president.
At least fox news reports news. NBC and the rest of them literally refuse to report anything against the liberal agenda. They are a fucking disgrace to so called journalism and are responsible for us heading swiftly into a country under tyranny rule.
10:14, then you have not met me.
9:54, CNN is owned by Ted Turner, while Fox is owned by Australian Rupert Murdoch, whom CNN and other American newsstations accuse of being too conservative.
I am surprised at the number of conservatives on here... For the record I am a conservative.
But the average demographic of TFLN is highschool/college students and they are typically more liberal... Most likely because they don't have to pay taxes yet...
@2:23 - Actually, the White House is repeating what I've been saying for the past 10 years. It's about time Fox was officially called on their bullshit.
Wow... Look how smart we all are... We are debating politics on TFLN... Can't we all just agree that ALL politicians are backstabbing bastards who would sell the souls of their mothers in order to win an election... Do you know why there are no honest politicians? It's because the honest ones never kiss enough asses or stab enough backs to get anywhere...
@1:53, speaking of spouting off force fed words. Your bs administration releases a statement about Fox News, and now you're regurgitating it. You're an idiot. Go blindly follow the chosen moron you worthless hippie.
Lol I love how all these right wing people try to act smart. So cute! Your just pissed cuz America pulled our heads out of our asses and finnaly elected Obama, not a republican. It's actually statistically shown that whenever a republican has been presedent our economy is worse. Look it up. And aso Obama is making a better economy, look at the stock market! Up scence he has been in office
I'll just say this. The left wing media got the worst president ever elected. Abc NBC CBS CNN msnbc. U didn't hear anything bad about oboma on those stations. U did on fox. Fox is more to the middle than any other station.
Glen Beck is just awful.
Also, Fox News is dangerous. Consider the "Tea-Parties:" Fox did not so much cover these rallies as they did cheer-them-on. How can these be considered grass-root-campaigns when they have the coaching of a major/corporate news outlet?
That's not news. And if you cannot tell the difference, you are stupid.
But then again, you're probably stupid anyway if you enjoy Fox News.
Win 10:14.
Watch BBC. it's just news. No slant. They tell you what's up.
And glen beck is the dumbest fucking person on earth. I didn't really think anyone agreed with what he says...go America.
All of you need to take some political science courses before you talk politics... The uneducated voice usually screams the loudest
-phd in poly sci, UCLA
Come on now kids-you know liberals are the tolerant ones. That is of course unless you disagree with them then you need to shut the fuck up. Hypocrites.
All news sucks end of story. They are all biased. You can try to claim that they are but for the most part they are all state-run in some respect. Fox is trying to be the anarchistic news station by being anti-American government on everything since GWB got out, but where were any of the news stations when the War Profiteering votes happened?
@2:23: Rather a free-thinking hippie than a bloodsucking corporate brownnoser or a racist idiot with a mullet and a sawed-off shotgun. You might be a redneck if...
Oh, conservatives. It's so cute how you just spout all your force-fed opinions regarding everything: religion, politics, economics, even social stigmas. If you tried thinking for yourselves for once, you'd realize how ridiculous you sound.
Fox news reports what's going on in the NEWS as it should, some items do appear weighted towards the right, but the fact that all other news channels are so far left is what makes fox seem conservative, they make an effort to report fair and balanced... Quite frankly, all INTELLIGENCE now a days happens to be to the right anyways
3:30 what u mean to say that aren't rich yet and I say a flat tax percentage would fix that wouldn't u agree? even under democrats we pay a way higher percentage then those of u over the million dollar mark don't cry to us about a bad tax situation maybe we should make it fair then the rich would really throw a fit
I love glen beck, and don't blame people who don't like fox, they are just trying to be cool because it's the in thing to be pro Obama and agenst fox, is sad you can feel sorry for them..... Besides remember every other channel blames fox for everything, it hurts that fox is the # 1 news channel in al of cabel news
Before Reagan, it was generally true that Republican presidents would have a worse economy. This was due to the fact that ideologically, Republicans were reversed on the economy. Most people don't know that, as as senator, Barry Goldwater was opposed to the Kennedy tax cuts. But this brings up the main point: it's not party affiliation, it's about tax cuts, and whether the government trusts people with their own money more than their own elitist "intellectuals."
Enjoy the massive inflation, everyone!
"Also, Fox News is dangerous. Consider the "Tea-Parties:" Fox did not so much cover these rallies as they did cheer-them-on. How can these be considered grass-root-campaigns when they have the coaching of a major/corporate news outlet?"
let's not even go there, ok?
All of you liberals can lick my butt and suck on my balls!
who watches the news anyways? time I turned on the news they were reporting a balloon flying around for 2 hours...
because theyre the only station that tells the truth rather than sucking obamas dick...what this world needs is a little more bill o'reilly and a little less michael moore
every news station is biased and most are liberal biased. it suck that the one that is by far the most biased/crazy is the only conservative source. it gives smart republicans a bad name
Ratings DOES NOT mean shit for news. All it means is more lemmings are fucking watching. Fox News is a disgrace and people who watch it are dumber for doing so.
HA 2:42 are you kidding? I've yet to meet an intelligent neo-conservative. The morons base literally all of their "logic" on shit that's either pulled out of the Bible or pulled out of their asses.
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