You are not given any tests upon being booked in the jail for the night -- under suspicion of DUI/DWI. You are forced to surrender your license, for an extended period of time [this varies by state].
Lawyers for parents and they always taught us to refuse to agree to anything, opt for a cell. Easier to get out of as they have no physical evidence, just a strong suspicion.
You want a bet?\nIf you get booked for DUI, California will force a drug blood test. You have no choice. You signed acknowledging this when you got your license here.\n\nAnd if you're certainly NOT drunk, you now lose your license for a year instead of going home to bed that night.
I was arrested for being drunk in public and made to take a breanthylizer before I was processed so they could determine my level of intoxication "for the record". I fuckin hate cops.
(908): It was at that point the crowd that gathered realized i wasn't getting arrested, and passed the sobriety tests. I got a standing ovation from 25 strangers
It's idiotic but that's generally the procedure. You are arrested under suspicion of DUI and the investigation is carried out at the station before you are processed into jail.
yeah, in my home state you lose your license for a year if you refuse, but nothing shows up on your record. there may be a fine, but it is definitely better than getting a DUI
Thank you 11:36...I started to ask myself why the site was reposting the same texts from other nights...then realized that some unoriginal tool thought they would try try to be cool...and failed miserably.
I've heard that some places will require a breathylizer when processed into jail because you are under government supervision...similar to a quick exam by a doc to see if youre sick and need any treatment. The idea has something to do with safety and negligence I think.
Wrong, only if you are driving a car, you are liable to take a breathalyser or you can lose your licence. No sobriety tests are required. In-fact a sobriety test can only hurt your case because one tiny mistake can give them proof you were intoxicated. If you are not driving, age 21 above or below, you are better off refusing both sobriety and breathalyser tests, unless you will 100% not under the influence. When you go to court they have no proof of being under the influence - refusal tick
Ok honestly 6.13 ur a frickin idiot no on here gives a damn about ur stupid pencil dick. If it actually was big u wouldn't feel the need to brag about it over TFLN. It's pretty pathetic...
I got arrested for suspcion of DUI the cops went into the bowling alley were I had been for like an hour and took me to jail but I passed a blood test and breathalyzer so I won in court and got a written letter of apology from the chief of police for the Astoria police dept harrasement
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