Hahaha I love hanson, gonna see them at the end of this month, plus I wanted to fuck them too, too bad they all are married and have mini hanson spawns
you know something, 735?? i never thought i could say this, because i think hanson guys were soooo fugly it was sickening,, but yeah,, id take any of them over the BeiberBaby
i was joking about his dick. but any size id fuck him and im 14 so im not sum fucked up stalker i
wud seriously fuck him lol. anyways hes hot and i think he has a good voice
a litlle boy with a little boys face is not hot
a boy whos singing words that are not expressing any ife experience he has had is not hot
and your basing his dick on ,, what wonderful amazing wisdom do you have that informs you of that?
big dick. big deal. he has no talent. ah,, i guess 1.46 was right,, hes a little teeny boppers idea of hot,
I had to google this kid to see who he was... Looks like a douche bag, I'm glad I've never heard him sing. It's also disturbing how many people are talkig about fucking him.... Christ, go hang out at your local Jr. High if that's what gets your enginge running.
id fuck justin bieber so fucking hard his dick woukd hurt. id let him fuck my pussy till i cudnt fuck anymore then id blow his brains out. and just cuz ur 15 doesnt mean u cant fuck...
k i read this and had to google justin bwhatever, and honestly, he is just a keychained size version of zac efron. wat is it about boys that look like girls that girls find so attractive in boys?
9:33, I think New Kids predated Hanson considerably, but I totally agree with you. Even though I hated all those boy bands back then, I can't deny that they're my guilty pleasure now. Oh, life.
Never heard of this Justin kid, either.
Also, 11:14 -- I hope I wasn't the only one who was really tripped out and felt ancient to hear that all the Hanson boys were married and most of them had kids.
I had Jason Priestley, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, etc. Too bad I like the ladies! We wee lesbians didn't really have anyone in the 90s. Anyone attractive, anyway....
haha soooo glad there are others out there that think justin bieber is fine! yes hes 15, but he is aDoRaBlE :) haha. and he honestly does have a good voice... leave the poor kid alone jeesh. seriously next justin timberlake.....
I feel like you're a little perverted to want to fuck him since he is
1)15, and
2)He looks 8...
Hopefully you are about 15 yourself...but then in that case you shouldn't be saying the word fuck much less doing it. So basically this text is just wrong anyway you look at it.
and he has this stupid little kid voice
i need tho hear a little pisher like him sing about feelings and love?
his mamma should be ashamed of herserf .and he needs a smack in the head , a curfew and homework
ok i do act my age and im just saying he is amazingly hot. and i know a lot of girls that have had sex. i personally havent and i dont plan to (obviously because i havent met justin bieber :-) and guys dont expect girls to act like sluts. if you think that then you have a really messed up mind and you are making girls all over the world seem like nothing but wjores. get a life and stop degrading women.
what the heck does susan boyle being a woman have to do with beiber whos a little boy. enogh woman for us all?ohh i get it. you thought it woudl be a clever segue to make a Bush joke@
uh, no, made no sense. wasnt funny. and irrelevant as the idiots who write 'first'
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