Okay here is what I don't understand. Someone said "if your fat from being lazy I have no pity for you" why should you? Why should you have pity for someone who has no choice in it either. Not eeryone who is fat hates it. I don't undestand why it's such a big deal to be fat or skinny.
Fat vegetarians don't eat enough fruits and vegetables and eat too many processed foods like granola bars. A true vegetarian diet gives you more energy than eating meat does.
the same amount of lazy as when you're a fat non-vegetarian?
the only difference is you eat less fat and calories from meat protein and more from carbs, and dairy and nut protein.
i was a veggie once. and chubby once too lol
How uneducated do you have to be to not realize that no matter if you eat meat or not, taking in more calories than you burn will make you fat. A ton off the popular fatty foods is vegetarian; fries, chips, most junk food. The calorie difference between a soy burger and a regular one isn't that much.
wow. people are so cruel.
you do realize that overweight people are humans too, right?
how the heck do you talk about other people like this???
it's messed up.
i love meat too, but i am realistic. chicken has 60% less protein now. we inject meat with saline solutions to make it plumper, juicier. we pump animals full of antibiotics, hormones, and steroids. we feed animals poor diets because we're cheap and lazy. i am not going to give up my meat without a fight!
I lost 8lbs when I became and vegetarian.
I lost another 8lbs when I became a vegan.
& I gained 25lbs when I stopped working out and began eating nothing but french fries.
They eat tons of carbs. And vegetarians can still have desert! Just because they don't eat meat doesn't mean they're necessarily eating veggies and fruits all the time.
Answer: They load up on cheese alot.
Every vegetarian that I know is fat. I'll stick to eating my animals along with my vegetables as omnivores should, and stay skinny thank you.
And for those of you so concerned with the protein you're eating :
A Boca "chik'n" patty has almost twice as much protein (and like, half the clories) as a REAL breaded chicken patty.
Think about what you eat.
I honestly don't see how people get fat these days... Theres all those lean meats they can eat such as fish, turkey, and chicken. Plus fruits and vegetables are easy to throw in. It's all the fuckin fast food places now that everyone goes too. What's wrong with home cook meals?
Tons of foods are vegan. Fries are vegan. Oreo are vegan. Potato chips are vegan. Pasta is vegan. Aunt Jemima whole wheat pancake/waffle mix is vegan. Some of the Duncan Hines stuff is vegan. Many soft pretzels are vegan. Bread is vegan. Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch is vegan....
God there are some idiots up in this bitch. Potato chips, pie, cookies, ice cream, BUTTER, donuts, CHEESE, cake, bread, etc. etc. etc are alllll vegetarian foods. The skinniest people I know eat meat, and don't excercise. It's all about the amount of calories you consume/if you consume processed or whole foods. Not meat versus nonmeat.
the ratio of fat vegetarians to non-fat vegetarians is probably WAY less then the ratio of fat-meateaters to non-fat meat eaters. Meat has nothing to do with this conversation. Period. Idiots.
those kind of vegetarians are GENERALLY the ones who eat bean and cheese burritos as meat replacements and hate soy and vegetables. it's a sure way to be tired and chubby all the time because you're malnourished.
the hippopotamus is an herbivore and it's fat. way to follow the lead vegetarians. when we run low on food you will be the first to be cannibalized. in the meantime, fatten up.
I'm a veggie, but I do around 50 sit-ups a day, and have to walk about 3-4 miles each day for my training course.
Still, I like chocolate and pasta and cheese, so not sure how this is going to pan out. Its only been about a month...my body hasn't really changed O_o
Yeah, like you all really needed to know that.
I stopped eating dairy and all meat but fish and the bad acne I had for years cleared up in four months.
It's not about what happens to the animals - it happens to us! All those hormones in meat!
Just like everything else, it's about a balanced diet and eating things in moderation. It's easy to get fat on a normal, vegetarian, or vegan diet. People are just too lazy to plan what they eat anymore. Vitamin supplements are especially important as well, considering most crap processed food people feed on nowadays is almost entirely devoid of real vital nutrients/minerals.
amen 4:14! im 22 and have been a vegetarian since i was 14... i havent gained a pound since. except for when i was living on-campus for a year, but as soon as i moved out those 7 or 8 pounds dropped right off...but pizza and iceberg lettuce with shitty dressing were my only 2 options! i HAD to choose pizza every once in awhile...
whos been a RAW vegan? there's an easy way to poop out 10 pounds in a week
Price Fielder = awesome! Boca Chickin pattys also = awesome! There are plenty of non-sugary foods out there, you idiots, and lots of proteins - seitans and tempeh and beans and whole grains. Vegetarians are freakin' hot and their obesity rate is WAY lower than the average non-veggie.
The same amount as a fat omnivore. If you eat too much junk, overly-refined foods and fat, especially if not burning it off, it's pretty easy to pack on the pounds, regardless of dietary preferences. Veg can be extremely healthy, but just going veg isn't a cure-all or guaranteed avoidance of extra lbs.
This is me! I'm sitting on my butt, drinking coffee with soy and coconut milik and sugar in it, had spanikopita for breakfast. I am how you stay fat and vegan. I'm meant to be at the park right now, but TFLN sounded better. That said, I'm thinner now then when I ate critter products.
I don't see why this is such a big deal to see a fat vegetarian. Go to santa cruz and you'll see. Also, thank you to everyone who brought up our nasty ass meat industry, it's disgusting.
wow (740). meat doesn't make you fat. junk food, oil, and sugar makes you fat.
i've been vegetarian for 6 years and my weight hasn't changed. the trick is a balanced diet.
Now, most of these now-vegetarian teenagers already enjoyed their sweets and calories. But since they don't eat meat anymore, they think that they now have room to double up on dessert. And then bam, weight gain. That's basically how it works. It's more that they are oblivious, rather than lazy.
My weight didn't change when changed to vegetarian, but I ate a raw vegan diet for a year and lost eleven pounds AND my skin cleared up. It was just too hard to eat that way for so long, though.
Was a vegetarian for 3 1/2 years and after I turned back to meat I dropped 5 pounds. Mainly from reducing carb intake which can be hard for a vegetarian on a college campus.
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