That's right! They will just die alone b/c sooner or later there will be a guy that knows how to treat a woman with respect. And HE will get all the bj's and sex when ever he wants however he wants and where ever he wants. Keep your man happy or somone else will... be my guest b/c when my man keeps ME happy first hes going to be begging me to let him catch his breath we'll be fucking soo much!-2:01
oh noes! all it takes to lose my man is to refuse a bj one time! but i love assholes like him and he knows he can get it from other girls so i should be shamed into giving him head! waaaaah!
You should give him a blowjob when he immaturely demands it. That's when you bite it off.
if i don't feel like giving head i'm not fuckin doing. he wants to go get it from someone else, then he needs to get his shit and get the fuck up out my house.
Exactly, 2:01. All these guys think they're worth keeping around with an attitude like that? Haha, go cheat, go find some skank who gives you herpes. I won't be missing you.
You would think guys would clue in to this little secret of being loving and faithful to their g/f or wives b/c then we wouldnt put on the breaks all the time.... HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE
Shit even my Fuck buddy treats me with respect and he gets whatever he wants!
Fuck you 2:21 that's total BS! Well i guess when your tiny dick doesn't live up to the job i can "outsource" to find a better one too? Oh but wait... that would make me a whore.
7:22 - it's obvious to me that you probably pay for any sexual gratification you receive. While this is understandable, please think of future generations of Mankind by choosing not to breed.
9:20, you're right. The true stat is 80%.
For adults.
That doesn't include teens. And if gonnorhea and pregnancy are rising in teens, it would be fair to say many non-adults are getting herpes.
Therefore over 80%. Funny how the only fault you could find in that argument is that I exaggerated. I'd say that's just being a little picky.
Why does any girl who mentions sex get called a slut? She didn't say it was about random guys, it could be about a boyfriend with an insatiable sexual appetite, we don't know. Fuck your judgement.
@ 1:38: I'm new to the thread... the notion of disposability is interesting. I suppose with how society is set up, where the norm is the guy goes after the girl, the idea of simply waiting for another guy to step forward, should someone not be interested in a particular offering, does imply what you say. I would argue that we are a tournament species in that regard.
all these men saying they'll go get action from some other chick, and all these chicks giving it to them...and we wonder why over 90% of the population has oral herpes. Oh, or why genital herpes is on the rise. Guys, don't go to girls you're not dating just for a BJ. Warts are your package... Such a turn off. Then you'll REALLY never get head.
what the fuck is wrong with you? this girl doesn't mind giving head, she just wants a break once in awhile. sexual coercion and domestic violence are never acceptable, 3:51. in the unlikely event you find a woman who doesn't consider your behavior psychological abuse, i hope you never have daughters. funny, in your scenario, you're the immature, selfish one.
wowww this is absurd. girls are probably just as likely to cheat on their asshole boyfriends who demand head as the guys who arent getting it. no one wants to be with a selfish bastard.
That's really sad if you judge your self worth on your sexual performance "keeping" a man, 12:36. I have a boyfriend right now, but if I didn't, I wouldn't think less of myself as a person.
You're right, 9:22, but it spiraled out of control once all the guys started calling her a slut and saying they'd cheat on the girl who doesn't give them any. Then we had to address it differently. But yeah, it's funny!
Who gives a shit about percentages?? 50% of the population has herpes, is that not gross enough? The point of me saying "hey guys how bout the possibility you might get an STD" was not to argue about how many people have it! The point was "hey, if you know some chick down the roAd who gives awesome head, think about why she has that reputation" she probably gave head to a lot of guys, and you're essentially getting whatever nasty shit on his dick onto yours. The t
...Am I the only one who thought this was really funny? Cause I know what she means... you don't WANT to say no, 'cause you wouldn't want your guy to say no to you, either. It just feels selfish. Saying no is obviously an option but sometimes you don't want to just flat out say NO I don't want to give you a bj. It's a blow to the ego. Dunno... I thought this text was really funny, and relatable.
12:36 is wrong. That does not mean they don't have a man to blow. If you would rather submit to sexual subservience (giving head or sexual favors when you don't want to) to please your man, thats you. Go ahead with that backwards thinking and keep taking several steps back for women.
anyway this text was funny people, take it for what it is
guess what, women like sex. we like giving and receiving oral. we like from behind and in the behind. and you may enjoy the benefits of sexual freedom if you're not acting like some petty child in the sack when you don't get your way all the time. if you're loving and patient, you'll get yours. just don't be a dick because we'll lose interest and find someone better.
Blowjobs are fun. So is reciprocal oral!
I hate flowers, though. It's such a generic romantic gesture and they just die in three days or so. Maybe a bonsai tree?
I'm all for giving my man other forms of pkeasure should I not be in the mood. However, there are times when you just aren't up to it. And yes, after being with someone for a long time, one should know the signs of when it is or isn't a good time. It is a mutual respect and understanding for one another unfotunateky, some men only care about what they want.
"Herpes is caused by a virus: the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV is in a family of viruses called herpesviruses. This family includes Epstein-Barr virus (the cause of mono) and the varicella zoster virus (the cause of chicken pox and shingles). Although there are several viruses in the herpesvirus family, each is a separate virus and different from one another. Having one virus does not mean you will have another."
Nice^^ I hate getting flowers I beg people not to buy me flowers so does that mean I don't ever have to give head! YES! haha Well that would kind of suck b/c i really like giving head to be honest it's fun and guys are always really really into it when i do it so i get a lot of satisfaction out of that. Maybe the OP just needs to improve her skills.
I enjoy being sexually subservient. People that think it sets the women's movement back must not understand how empowering it is to always say, "yes." :)
12:36 has low self-esteem.
I have no problem going down on my guy, nor do I have a problem politely refusing a sexual request. And vice versa, if he's not in the mood. That's something you should familiarize yourself with: mutual respect.
The schoolyard insults dressed up as 'mature' advice doled out by the women on here make me glad we're relying on your looks, and not your personality, for the procreation and survival of the species.
Women need to stop faking...I'm a woman and sometimes I really don't feel like it but,I would do it to please my Man the women saying they wouldn't don't have a man to blow any how...lls
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