Why is there a living, breathing cow on your front porch?
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it leaves me with a content feeling that these "you're" kids are probably fat, ugly and have never been kissed.
As opposed to a dead one?
Someone found your mom!
F U C K You
Because they are a boss
Only n Louisiana!!! Love the south
Cuz there was already one on the back porch?
This would be so much funnier if the text right below it on the page were really the second part of the same text.
Call 503-252-5279 for a good time! Ask for Shelby!
I wasn't shocked to read this , then again I'm from Louisiana ..
i would be more impressed if this text was from new york. Louisiana, not so much.
Would you rather it be a dead, not-breathing cow....?
Row row row your boat......
Free milk for all.
This text is horseshit. Or cowshit.
i live right next to a farm&&\nthe cows are always getting out.\nthey wander around our neighborhood so its\ndefinitely not an unusual thing for me.
Gently down the stream haha
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