I heard Obama is gonna give a speach to all the college kids about staying the course for an education, even if it means staying in class after you shatter yourself. Good Job! Way to be a good example.
It cracks me up that the 'you're' guy has infected this entire website. That and there is some poor bastard out there with nothing better to do than hit the refresh button 50 times a minute just to see if there's a new tfln he can post 'you're' responses to. Someone should put some baby powder on this guys palms before he rubs all the skin off his own dick. Sad day.
Okay, I'm gone. I might be back when things calm down, but until then, this is quiet guy in the corner signing off. It's been...interesting.
quiet guy
I usually just wear em and let the residual stool turn to a crusty ash and then snoort it to the head. Preety much a great day minus the smell in floridas heat
get over it. he doesnt love you. there are plenty of fish in the sea..yada yada yada..the grass is always greener on the other side..blah blah blah..one man's loss is anothers gain...etc etc etc. you get the picture.
I wonder after he fucked up with me if he calls his friends and says damn I really messed up. She was great to me. She truely loved me. She could be the one.
Hey people!
Thith ith quiet guy. I jith wanna tell ally fanth that I wathn't really gone! You are all thilly people! I'm thtaying ath long ath the man above allowth me.
Hugth and kitheth
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