Fuck you oaklahoma city can suck my dick I've never even been there so excuse the FUCK outta me for not knowing the area code!!!! Really, dipshit!!! Try being understanding for once!
well whether it was a repost or not I thought you would all like to know I have forwarded this suggestion to both tomtom and garmin. Let's see if they take action :)
Because clearly Oklahoma is the only people where people can be dumb shits. I guess by that logic, wherever you live is the only place where people can be pretentious, prejudiced assholes.
12:31, I live in Grove, OK. I can guarantee you, there are ghettos in OKC. Drove through a bad part of town the other week and I felt like I was going to be caught in a cross fire at any moment.
come on.... when is this copy/paste-from-email party going to end!?!?! someone submit the email a bunch of times to get it through the tfln moderator's head
To the dickhead who told the writer to get to know their city: hey dumass did u ever think that if they were using their gps more than likely they are new to that city? Wow you are a huge irrational, retarded, dumass.
Hey guys, I wrote this, and I don't even have an email account. I just realized it one day cause on my way to work(for the first time) so I used my tomtom and guess where I got to drive? Bloodville, USA.
maybe this was the originator of the email everyone got last week... but I agree, grow up and quit bein such a bitch about drivin through dumpy neighborhoods. Try livin in one.
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