* bulimic
and i don't see the logic in this. you throw up and instantly assume you're pregnant or have a psychological disorder?
maybe you're sick. but i guess that's not as cool/dramatic/funny as bulimia or pregnancy.
This really isn't realistic. You would know if you were bulimic. Bulimia is mainly when people throw up on purpose to lose weight. If you were pregnant and throwing up, you would not be doing it to yourself. But hey, its a funny text.
can people stop having scientific arguments to prove their intelligience to the world and just enjoy the damn website? i really don't care about your definition of bulimia. k thanks.
Well...are your teeth eroding from the constant vomiting you do when you feel inferior to every woman around you?
Do you wolf down a dozen donuts, look at 17 Magazine, then sob and puke uncontrollably?
When pretty girls in short skirts laugh at you, does your finger instinctively creep towards your throat?
If you answered no to the above questions, you are pregnant. If yes, you are bulimic.
B U L I M I A. And now you know.
10:07, 9:06 never said anything about "bulimics being underweight" simply they stated "bulimia is mainly when people make themselves throw up on purpose to lose weight"...your 'smarty pants' title has been revoked due to insufficient brains
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