i'm from jersey. in central jersey. HEY also in the 908 area code where this is from. i'll have you know it does NOT smell like a dump here. and also - check the USnews article where it says edison, nj (central jersey) is in the top 10 places to grow up in the whole country. stop hating on jersey you ignorant assholes!
Jersey doesn't suck...maybe some parts of it do but you can't generalize the whole state. Have you ever been there? Shit I'm not even from Jersey but I hate people who blanket statement everything. "Canada sucks," "Jersey sucks," and so on. Open your eyes for fucks sake
so, 12:33, are we all supposed to pronounce "count" as "coont" and "shout" as "shoot" and "mouse" as "moose" and "house" as "hoose"? I don't think so. Also, americans say don't pronounce 'ou' as 'aw,' it's 'ow'
i love arkansas :) yes i can spell, i have all my teeth, and i dont wear overalls EVER! i believe that everytime something happens here the news people find the most redneck back woods inbred mother fucker to do an interview with
hey 11:52, i've been there pleanty and all over the state as well. trust me, it sucks major dick. also, america took a vote, and yes, it does suck. sorry, you lose
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