Oregon's amazing. So glad I was born here and not somewhere where people actually think people who recycle are lame or use "liberal" as an insult.
It's not stupid to care about the earth, we're all living here.
but yeah Oregon for life! The liberals AND the conservatives.
I have done this exact same thing in Oregon as well.
And no, it's not bad for the environment (except for the littering), but it is bad for people. Burning plastic creates dioxins, which are very harmful. Dioxins are the chemicals in agent orange that gave so many people cancer. So if you like cancer, go ahead!
PS: All you douche bags who hate "liberals," "environmentalists," and "pussies" can suck my dick. If you don't care about your own environment, get the fuck out.
I love being an Oregonian. It's hilarious how the recycling centers at the UO dorms get so full of beer cans on the weekends.
Also, not everyone who recycles is stupid. Actually, in Oregon everyone recycles. Even conservatives :)
I also love how that is the first response of any conservative. is that really the most intelligent thought that ran through your head when you read 1:07?
1:32 are you fucking retarded, they crush all the cans into bails to ship them before they are melted and reused. did you think they just washed them and refilled them. fucking idiot haha
seriously. it doesn't even matter if you're for or against "saving the earth." If you're from Oregon, it's hilarious--because we all know people like this.
Why should you hate them? They care about lighting large fires in open fields with dried grass and consuming copious amounts of alcohol in the process. What's wrong with that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, I tell you.
Not only an Oregon thing...they do it all over California too. Drink around large fires and yell at the people with use wood with paint on it, throw plastic into the fire or cook meat.
The thing that I hate most about where I live is that EVERYONE is the same. You have your cookie cutter white folks, drug and alcohol abusing teenagers, skating duchebags, mexicans kind of, and that's it. NO diversity whatsoever. Oh, and you also have the goat fucking inbred here.
All you Oregon haters a just jealous. We know how to have a pretty state, just like the other states that recycle like us.
The tfln was funny but that doesnt mean everyone needs to get all butt hurt. Chill out.
8:06 Are you kidding?? You realize they are taking about a political party affliliation not the definition out of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, right?? Oh and by the way generally Liberals are for big government therefore null and voiding your first definition. If you have been paying any attention to this adminstration you would understand.
ok so 541 is all the way from southern Oregon to about Corvallis and pretty much from there up it's 503 so don't be dissin Portland in this. Also don't be saying shit about Oregon if you don't live here! Sooo we recycle that doesn't mean we are liberal freaks who run around trying to claim we can change the world . Wejust like to recycle. Geez! Aalso only a true Oregonian would understand how funy thins is
no one has ever been to Oregon and not left thinking it was the most beautiful place ever. perhaps that's why Oregonians care so much... they don't want their state to begin looking as shitty as most of the others...
8:06 ur going to try and make us feel stupid when u have no idea what the hell we are talking about....u think were talking about bn giving? fucktard......we talking about ppl that want right for prisoners (cuz god forbid a child rapist doesn't get his 3 meals a day) We should all drive lil hybrid cars (thanks but i still to my chevy silverado) i'm not paying for the gases my truck puts off (stupidest idea ever, how is that gonna fix things?) global warming (mass hysteria for nothing)
That person didn't mean that they refilled the bottles and sealed them back up. In Oregon we return our cans is through machines which read the bar codes, smashed cans don't work. Of course you can recycle them normally but then you won't get $$$ for them. I get pissed at people who smash cans too.
I wonder why we've had three ice ages before humans even existed? Hmmm, maybe because the climate shifts on it's own! If we are causing global warming, I guess we'll keep nice and toasty during the next ice age.
2: Laughing at the fool who think's cans are 'refilled' and sealed back up with new drinks. And just as many laughs at the moron who thinks people are some magical creation that were made to look after this world and make it last for ever.. every culture of bacteria only lasts so long, and that's all we are.
Yeah, you're right 1:31. Some of us DO worry about the world we're leaving our children, our grand-children, and so on. If that makes me a liberal, then I'm a liberal.
12.38 "We aren't doing anything TO the environment, why should we do something FOR it?"
- you are a fucking dumbass.
you really think we aren't doing anything to the environment? you imbecile.
haha.. my kind of people.
and to whoever said this: "We aren't doing anything TO the environment, why should we do something FOR it?"
whaaaaat the FUCK?! haha.. are you.. are you alive? do you occasionally look around you or watch the news? you're dumb. read a book sometime.
wow...i just read all of these and noticed that the conservatives in the debate can only say stuff like "your an idiot" or "go fuck yourself" to anything anybody says while the liberals prove valid points in their side of the argument
1:07 AM did you know 74% of all statistics are made up?
oh also....Corvallis all the way xD
also, we recycle our shit cause they give us money for it! being poor sucks and getting money for doing virtually nothing that also helps the earth, why the fuck not?
12:26 am don't hate oregon! so we have a lot of IGNORANT liberals but oregon is the best place ever! and i laughed at this because it's true, oregon is like that.
also, 2:45 am "da Eug" is Eugene
ahhh oregon, so many wonderful adventures had in that state!
O and to the person who said "if individuals do it once in a while, no big deal." really? So I can ignore the idiots who say things like "fuckin hippy nazis" (btw it is hippie not hippy) and bash liberals in generalized statements... but shit this statement is just pure unadulterated ignorance.
All of the liberals in here should read Ted, white and blue by ted nugent. I did and i'm a new found republican. EVERYTHING HE SAYS MAKES SENSE.
he's a hard core republican but also an environmentalist.
i would say more than shut the fuck up, but one word spelled incorrectly and my whole point is moot. because instead of everything i just pointed out they'll point out something stupid like how i used your instead of you're. now you want a talking debate....i dig you a hole and bury you with facts and statistics.
11:06 you are right. To the liberals on here, you are so fuckin stupid we dont even need valid points to prove how stupid you are. Everyone knows you are full of shit and want to suck obamas balls so just get over it.
(we do get paid to recycle here in oregon)
anyways, everyone here recycles because our state is so much more shockingly beautiful than everywhere else. Even the craziest right-wingers are environmentalists here. Everyone is.
I'm not the one with the headache, but sometimes caffeine is bad for migraines.
As for the environment debate, every little bit helps. Do your part...it'll pay off one day.
Just chill, people...enjoy the earth we have. Peace and love. Wooo.
If you live in oregon you would find this funny!
not everyone in oregon is a liberal!!!!!!!! If you say you hate oregon and that nobody likes us then fuck you!!!!!!!!
haha I love Liberal VS. conservative debates on a texting website. there is nothing intellectual or enlightening in any of the arguments, EVER.
I also love love loveeee the people who said we are not doing anything to the environment, so why help it? hmmm, God be with you I guess.
Sorry, if you have a problem with human beings who can enjoy life without worrying about where we'll be 1,000 years from now, maybe you need to take that stick out of your ass and use it to get around, because cars are just too damn dangerous! Praise the lord Barack Obama, for he must save us from our horrible selves and drown us in generational debt.
Don't know where you're getting those numbers 107, but CO2 levels in the atmosphere have risen 36% since the industrial revolution. As for the other numbers, scientists aren't even sure what percentage of the greenhouse effect is attributable it CO2, so it could be much higher than your dubious claim of 3%. They do know it is at least 9%.
<3 oregon. i don't see what the issue is. this is soooo freaking funny. who cares if they told ANOTHER PERSON to not throw their plastic in the fire, it doesn't effect you. SHUT UP! by the way, i'd fucking love to go to canada, they are a ten times better country then here. less dumbasses.
i grew up in southern oregon, full of redneck hick conservative idiots. . . even they recycle. though they do also vote republican and make tire fires.
1: Wtf are you burning a cup for, you could've had a drink from that!
But do americans seriously have filthy keg parties and all get 'drunk' on piss weak beer in plastic cups?
No there really isn't anything wrong with burning dead foliage. I'm all for protecting the environment from real idiots, but I also cannot stand when people get all up in arms over petty shit like a plastic cup in a fire. If everyone on earth did it, it would be bad, if individuals do it once in a while, no big deal.
Uhm actually!!! Not every Oregonian recycles!!! I'm conservative AND go to UO an definitely never recycle! It all goes in a black garbage bag at my place! Then the dumpster!
TFLN is definitely the perfect public forum to create a dialogue about global warming. Noone's gonna make generalizations or be bipartisan here AT ALL. And you people wonder why the other side isn't listening to you...
Oregonians love the earth! Lots call it "gods country" which is pretty cool if you ask me. Everyone should recycle, liberal or not, it's silly to be wasteful at all.. It saves money too!
im and enviromentalist liberal who lives in oregon. and im pretty sure i've been to parties where things like this happened. Everyone hates when someone crushes a can after its empty. you cant recycle it then.
Nothing but a bunch of inbred goat fuckers in central oregon. HEEEEEE DAWGY LETS GO HAVE A TRACTOR RACE. That's actually a thing here. MAD we have the pregnant man. Awesome.
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