You have HPV. I guarantee that, if you're even having this thought. According to the CDC, at least 50% of the sexually active will acquire it at some point.
damn, i'm surprised this isn't from a 216 area code, cause this totally could have been texted by jessjackgotback aka. the biggest whore of brook park, ohio. oh rather, ohio.
Yeah, but the reason I haven't gotten an STD yet is because I'm better, different, special and unique, just like everyone else who is pretending that loose, casual and consistent promiscuity, has no consequences.
I think prayer is what's kept me STD free. Guess it could be called begging god the next morning but whatever dude I think it's worked. Should prob go get tested
And if you haven't had a HSV outbreak yet, you've been exposed to it. One out of five adolescents and adults have had genital infection (so yes, that means if you've been w/more than five ppl, you've been exposed). One out of four, for women alone. Again, this is according to the CDC.
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