if any guy ever whiped himself off on my sheets when there is tissue paper a-plenty, the second thing he'd be whiping on my sheets is the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.
The girl should offer to suck it clean. To not do so would be rude. And to do it with a smile on her face. Then go bake cookies after. Mmmmm... cookies.
12:21 I know it's hard for the 14 year olds on this site to grasp but yeah there are guys out there who know how to change sheets.
And in any event - it's changing sheets, not splitting the atom. Christ
the last time i saw a guy use my sheets to wipe himself, i made him get up right then so i could change the sheets, i couldn't believe that he had just done that; we now only have sex at his place, he is not allowed in my bed anymore
11:42 have you ever watched a male try to change the sheets?
or if you are one, do you do it yourself? no. mommy does it for you.
better off just doing it herself, it makes life easier.
i agree with 9:24. use a towel. geez. btw 9:31 it wouldn't just be her juices on there. his would be on there too moron. i'm guessing that the only women 8:24 and 9:31 have ever been with have either a)they've had to pay to get or b)havent had an oz of selfrespect. grow up boys.
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