as evidence of my kitchen this morning my night involved alot of mustard and condoms
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4:48 had to have been afterwards.
At least you used protection..
hell yeah definitely represent the 412!
lemme guess... this went down post-pirate game?? :) :)
Thanks, 2:43. I was about to say it.
damn, why wasn't i invited to this party?? haha
@ 2:12PM The condoms weren't for protection. They were for being filled up with mustard and slapping the hell out of those midgets!
hot mustard? or mild?
something sexy...prude
That's not so bad. When you find a condom in the bottom of the Mayonaise Jar, then it's Bad!
Mustard gives me a rash
haha yeah! fellow pittsburgher here too! high five!! 412 represent
... Why the hell are all the yinzers here so proud of this text? It's not particularly crazy, classy, stupid, wild or witty, it's just kind of... boring. *smh*
This is the first text from Pittsburgh I've seen!!!! Yinz guys must've had fun and nat
Mustard WOULD cover up that fowl smell of latex. PGH represent!
Pittsburgh represent!
you mean "as evidenced by" tard
gross. i can only imagine what happened....
i would much rather smell latex and lube than mustard.. mustard is nasty assss and lube just makes it go in easier
Something Sticky and Hot
the smell of mustard would get overwhelming
hahahaha 3:06 high-five from a fellow Yinzer!
Love my fellow burghers!!!!!
3:06 type in the area code at the top of the website, try 724 too
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