10:36, you can download it and let us know if the virus is a myth. I'd rather have no virus than Erin Andrews on my screen. I bet she carries enough viruses in person.
10:33, so anyone who doesn't give a fuck about ESPN and who's on the channel is pathetic? Shes just another bitch with tits. Add her to the list of millions that populate the earth. While you're at it, eat a dick.
@11:33 its not glass according to wikipedia "Stuart's left eye, which is lazy, has also been the focus of attention at various points of his career. In an unrelated story Stuart was injured on April 3, 2002[3] in Jets mini-camp when he was doing a special for ESPN. Towards the end of a day at camp against the coach's advice, Stuart was hit in the eye by a football thrown from a JUGS Football Passing Machine. He underwent surgery the day of the injury and was out of work for a couple months."
oh that tape is stagged, she cant pose for playboy to make real cash so why not "leak" a tape of you nude and watch ESPN (Disney owned) cut her loose and gain publicity
haha yeah all the sites had to take it down or get sued. so good luck finding it.
ps. 10:17 and 10:19.... yall are pathetic. im a girl and i know who she is.
But seriously. Who are these people and why are they better than the millions of other people fucking each other and flashing genitals. You know, the ones who actually do it with better pixel definition and lighting?
i mean seriously? Its just another shot at fame for some washed up loser pretending to be "offended" by it. Stupid worthless text
Wow - way to glorify invasion of privacy. So if some other random girl (or guy) gets videotaped by a perverted voyeur its their fault because "it was staged" or it was a "shot at fame"? Just because she's a reporter and in the public eye doesn't mean she asked for this. I'm so fucking proud of the direction our society is going.
1:14 Tell me why in the bloody hell she would 1) admit to it when there was no reference to her anywhere in the posting 2) How they found the leak in the first place...the initial title was Hot blonde that looks like a Sportscaster? Nothing implicated her until she decided to draw attention to it..use your brain
The video came from a creepy ass guy who new that she was staying In the next room. He drilled a hole through the wall and taped her. Its just her walking around geting ready. He then procceded to send it to TMZ. No1 in There news room enjoyed it.
This guy is sick. Poor erin.
lol erin andrews video turned into a klan meeting.. funny the amount of stupidity on these things.. and stewarts scott doesn't have a glass eye.. its messed up because he was injured by that football.. none of this matters..
the video made my week for sure. any normal man who watches espn has fantasized about her naked for years. if u wanna see it search google vids and u can watch it on the page.
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