2:50. I like it too, and no, not a virgin. But yes, this is creepy. I, however, REALLY want to know if he actually DID. If this isn't fake, which I'm voting it is.
...are you an abusive stalker who breaks into houses to watch people sleep at night? If you're not... I'd tell "Bella" that, because she might get upset when she wakes up the next few nights and you're not standing at the foot of her bed staring.
Edward, heartbeat or no, wouldn't be fucking anyone...that's the WHOLE POINT of the TERRIBLE BOOKS. Abstinence until marriage. Twilight megafans have swallowed Mormon agenda hook line and sinker because it's wrapped up in the disguise of romance. Gah.
I like the twilight series... Edwards character in the book was interesting.. But once I saw who they had chosen to play him in the movie, I just said ewwwwww!! Not cute at all. Jacob is much better looking
8:26-- OHNO. PROPAGANDA. Because abstinence is a hideous, harmful thing. (Eyeroll) More power to 'em, if they can find an audience for their message. That's what America is about, right?
I am a Twilightbook/movie fan, I am 35 years.
I never get drunk so I can never ask people to call me Bella thank God.
I am the black Sookie Stackhouse LOL.
Worst night ever.
Well at least if she wanted to be like Bella you had perfect license to beat her up and bruise her while you had sex! Fun times for everyone!
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