actually, offended Canadian, i just finished a US history refresher course and we were taught about all of that. so suck it. and also, not all Americans are so rude, stupid, and egotistical. please don't be hypocritical about it.
Spell check checks the spelling of words. If you use an otherwise correct word in a wrong context due to misspelling, like say, you type "Save" instead of "Shave", it will not pick up on this. In places where it matters, proofread. In places where it doesn't make a fucking difference, like here, who gives a shit?
People start wars against England because of its location. People start wars against America because they're dickheads. Do you honestly think Hitler would have cared about England if it had been somewhere in the Mediterranean sea?
I met a Canadian once. Nice chap, good sense of humour, nothing wrong with him. However, I did laugh out loud when he actually turned out to say "aboot."
i dont think they were being hypocritical, there right arent they, I had no idea about any of that other then we were in dept, you said it your self u had to take a refresher course to learn it, and they even said they have amercian friend...I'm american and all my friends make fun of other counrties they know nothing about..we are almost the same people..its like a country person(being canadian) vs. a city person(america)...just a little difference between us.
true to that!!! man loves my ass ..and also loves my..small chest.....we wont sag when we are older!!!..we will still have boobs that look like a 20 year olds..when our friends who had big b's and up wont look so good anymore
haha pathetic..ur just mad because canada just shot you down with history that you guys were never taught...i think its pretty hilarious actually. ....doesnt it suck the whole worlds laughing at you?
but i do love americans..i have alot of americans guys are just blind to some im sure alot of other countries are to but we arent brought up to think we are would just be nice if u guys realised all this and stopped putting down every counrty when u havent even been there, met anyone from there..or even had a history class on them
I must say, it's rather fun having a different conversation that the monotonous norms that one usually finds on this site... even if it is an argument over the merits of being English (of which there are many) and to those who say "speak properly" I say SOD OFF YOU STUPID BUGGERS!!!
i KNOW i have a nice ass, but i'm also aware that being 5'7" and a 32A puts me on the very-small-chested end of things, you just gotta find a guy who appreciates the ass!
americans need to stop thinking they are so much better then everyone else...seriously..n just so u guys all know..canadians burnt down ur white house at a point in history...but you arent taught that..oh and u lost a couple wars that they also leave out in the history pumps u guys with fucked information to think ur all powerful when really ur country is in more dept then any other...sorry guys....i dont blame you..its just how ur raised
glad we got off the whole canada-america thing, the canadians came out in force over some dumb shit. Also,who cares if they are real, she has them so enjoy
me to man...i like girls that look good from behind and dont look like there always gunna fall over because there tits are huge..not attractive in my books
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