I just knew when I saw this text there would be a typical TFLN debate where a bunch of bitter, horny teenage boys that probably won't get laid for another 5 years use anonymity to share their feelings about the household tasks and sex acts that women are useful for.
And you wonder why you dick isn't being sucked?
to all you men out there it was a woman who wiped your ass, we just wanted to be paid back thats all =) sick and tired of your shit, both literally and figurativley
it just needs to be accepted that many men do think like this; sadly their are just creating so many woman that think this way to, soon "love" will be obsolete
ok girls fit into this discription where they arnt good for anything but giving us dudes handjobs or blowjobs. And yes girls like to try to manipulate every little thing they can out of us dudes playing their little games. a woman doesnt do shit like that. I dont know very many women in that case but thats the way it is
I find it funny that 4:21 actually supported the stereotype that women want you to buy things and if you don't, you are doing it wrong. Materialistic much?
i love how women are inferior creatures to men..............but women are so stubborn that they refuse to accept the truth.....if women were equal to men why are there men standards and women standards. Women standards are always so much more lax then mens.....hmmm i wonder why.......
4:29 - I didn't mean he was doing something wrong by not buying his girl anything, just that he was doing something wrong in general if he wasn't getting laid because, like I said, girls like penis.
6:22 I hope all men like you fucking rot in hell. You're the type of guy that thinks that a woman will take your bullshit and open her legs. Well let me tell you that you're only going to be fucked by whores because no self-respecting woman would ever want to fuck a worthless piece of trash like you.
4:35 - but it would be so irritating... and all those hormones and drama?? get me OUT of there!! i was in an all-girls school and hated it, guys are too much fun (both as friends and in bed)
I promise you are doing the wrong thing. You probably just suck. Girls like to have sex just as much as dudes unless the guys sucks. In that case we might as well wine and get what we can out of it until we move on.
To men who think women are inferior: Shut the fuck up, you're a douchebag.
To women who demand equal rights: Shut the fuck up, you have equal rights.
That is all.
i love this post but only as ive been in a relationship where ive bought my ex gf jewelry perfume etc and tried to always be there and stuck it out for 1 and a half years (granted it only lasted that long cause i was in boarding school) but sorry to say 1 to 1 with OP post where are the normal girls???? like wtf i dont get it
my boyfriend gets laid whenever he wants, and why ? because thankfully, he's not like 98% of the guys on this site. Go back to getting fucked by your uncles.
4:25 - not to spark a debate (although this probably will) but they have created sperm from female egg cells... they are no where near perfect yet but still.... one step towards making men obsolete (which would be HORRIBLE... a world full of women would be a nightmare, and i'm a girl!)
oh look, more insecure 15 year old boys attempting to disrespect women because they watch too much violent porn, can't find a girlfriend due to their undersized dicks, and their mothers have too much control in the household.
YAWN, we're bored of your pathetic type. NEXTTTT.
wow, STFU people, really, you are sparking debates over a "text from last night"... really?
calm down, people!
...all we are sayyyyiiinnnngggg, is give piece a chance...
4:28, a world full of women would be a lot fucking better than it is now--
no serious wars, barely any murders (above 90% of people in jail are men), no rapes.
I touch penis. I also don't bring drama nor do I nag. My boyfriend brings the drama. That's why I'm breaking up with him tonight. Oh and I don't need a guy to buy me anything. I make my own money by working. Not all chicks are materialistic. Stop going for bitchy snobs and you won't have that problem, buddy.
@ 4:27
You tell it!
ATTN fellow men: believe it or not, you'll find that women are much more fun without a dick in their mouth, if you treat them like more than just holes. Women tend to be far more amazing creatures than us anyway...
and btw the original post was HI-larious bc it was a joke, but you mysogynistic chodes responding are not
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