I agree, 12:55. Everyone here needs to 1) get the fuck over it when they call texts "fake" (if it's entertaining, who cares? stop being paranoid about the validity all the time) 2) get rid of the teenie-bopper trolls on here and 3) submit real "fucked up" texts again.
umm 4:30 lots of people do, my predictatext is useless now because of it...you would know this if you had friends and other people other than your mother texted you
Yeh, it would have to be with how the typos are. But apparently, every belligerent-text post is sent from a phone with a full-keyboard layout. S's in place od D's, O's in place of I's, etc. Makes you wonder how many of them are real and how many people "belligerated" (probably not a real word, but you get the idea) their submission to make it sound funny.
2:30, T9 is worse. You can turn a real sentence into gibberish sober with t9 if you're not paying attention. I know you've at least once spelled foot instead of dont using that shit before. Foot lie.
um i have had plenty of texts lke this drunk and sober...so no it is not fake...def T9 is the reason for this..but still if you can write a readable text while drunk..i applaud you
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