You must be a fugly chick who dyes her nasty stringy hair blonde, has fake nails, dresses in unflatteringly tight fat-huging slutty outfits, wears huge glasses and high heels and then automatically thinks that wearing/doing all that makes you "pretty". Wake up and realize you're fake and nobody thinks you're pretty, or like you said, they wouldn't still be mad at you.
yeah, then that means ur probably the only one that thinks this. REAL pretty girls know they can get away with on the other hand...not so much.
nice try tho.
hahah, stuck up slaaaaaag. i wouldn't ever call myself pretty. i dont even agree when someone else says it cause i dont want people thinking im full of myself, unlike you. bitch.
you guys take everything WAY too seriously...big deal if a girl called herself pretty...why do you care so much? you're clearly EXTREMELY unhappy and insecure with your own looks...god damn
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