Fake. I posted an actual text that i sent my buddy asking him why he stayed in a meeting we were in after everyone left, he replied that he had wood & couldn't tuck it. this was yesterday. They are just taking the idea and making their own shit up.
2;23 - someone said something about him beating off and i said he wouldn't have a boner if he beat off and got off. get it? or should i simplify it for you. jerking off leads to jizzing which leads to no more boner!
unfortunately i know more than a handul of non-highschoolers (20-30 yrs old) who still post hundreds of emo vanity pics on both their MS and FB pages... they have no idea how retarded they look and i feel really embarrassed for them.
I haven't done it since i was 14, but you pull it straight up so your waistline holds it in.
Now I just sport it, what do you want me to do, cut it off?
1:56PM you can't be serious? Do you even check most of facebook or myspace, its free softcore porn. Cause 90% of the chicks are taking pics before they are going to club looking like sluts, or angle pics of them in their room, witch their cleavage being the focus of the pic.
Maybe thats not the type of pics you take, but 90% of fb and ms is like that.
1:57 sometimes the high schoolers who get on facebook *gag* do the whole "10,000 pictures of me at random angles with emo captions" thing, but college students don't, they actually have pictures of them with their friends/at parties/etc. its funny, once I got to college, all my college friends had facebook, and I deleted my myspace because it only had high school students or high school drop outs on it.
please tell me you did not just say that... if you want to beat off look at porn like every other perv (myself included) beating off to face book pictures is just weird
3:07 half the pics i see on fb are either chicks takin a leak in public somewhere, or theyre dressed rediculously slutty, how can they post that but get offended if we get a little wood lookin at them?
"co-workers, i just want to tell you, half the day I'm sporting a boner because that damn 21 year old receptionish wont stop bending over infront of me with her low cut tops....all i can think about is fucking the shit out of her" (ijustwanttotellyou site)
2:11 #1, you make no sense...if youre trying to say that he had to have a boner because he was beating off, youre a fuckin idiot, or youre like 10 years old or a chick who has never had a bf...it is a pain in the ass when you dont want it
You can't tuck it when your shirt is tucked in? You just hold it with your waistline, with the tip the shirt. Simple. I did it all the time during puberty.
1:52 unlike you high school myspace users, facebook users have pictures of themselves with their FRIENDS up, not 1435 black and white pictures of a desperate 16 year old trying to look sexy. facebook isn't about pouty faces and photoshop, you'll learn someday. so when we get stalked its not really our fault.
i walk around all day with a bonner
i dont care there are some hot chicks here
i make sure then know what they do and dam i got lucky more than once cause of it
let the bonner fly free and get lucky
eeww someone that i had never met before told me tthrough a creepy inbox message that they jacked off to a pic of me and my friend who were wearing short shorts and low cut tanks while posing on a motercylce together. . . . . honestly that grossed me out!
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