I think it's funny that people who visit a site whose sole purpose is posting vulgar, profane, and decidedly immoral text messages are proclaiming the joy of Christ. Seems a little hypocritical to me.
im a Jesus freak :) & for me, he's omnipotent and omnipresent... but thats my view. my wish is that everyone would respect everyone else's beliefs.... we would live in a much better society.
necrophiliacs? yes because christians go around fucking dead people.
i think you meant nymphomaniacs which means obsessed with sex
and so you are an idiot
God is my everything, my joy, my fulfillment, my provider, my shepherd. Without him I would be lost. I'm sorry that you don't have the shear joy I feel everyday waking up waiting to see what Christ will do that day. Without him I was depressed and worried and anxious and I would seek fulfillment elsewhere. But now there is no need because I have God. And you can call me a freak all you want but I would choose my life over yours anyday
Okay you are happy good for you, however no one likes you, you have no soul, and god isn't real. Not really I know ur religion makes some real good points and was created to do a good thing but it just didn't quite turn out how jesus intended did it? I mean 7 million people died by burning and hanging at the hands of ur church. 7 million. Why do you need and outside power for fufillment you can be fufilled by yourself.
im a faithful christian but the people who take offense to this and do the "your going to hell because of this or that" arent helping this. i think its about sex anyway.
Christians are not freaks ass hole. I'm Christian! P
People really need to stop being little immature
Ass holes. People who say Christians are freaks
Are going to hell. I love God and I love Jesus!
Lmao, angry Christians unite and cry about a random txt that might be talking about sex. Btw, "Christians" telling people to burn in hell isn't what Jesus would do, now is it? :P
God loves me, but because I don't love or believe in him he's sending me to burn forever? Sounds like he's mentally unstable. If you really loved someone you wouldn't torture them forever
I think necrophiliacs is pretty damn accurate. What else would you call a group of people who love and worship a dead guy? Their whole existence is based on the concept that a dead man will save them from some invisible boogey man if they love him enough, worship him enough, etc. They don't live for this life, but for their death and their reunion with the dead guy they worship. How can a group so obsessed with death be anything but necrophiliacs?
Fuckin ignorant dumb asses. Just cause your christian doesnt mean your a perfect little angel. Tupac, kid cudi, and notorious b.i.g. are all christian. Just cause we believe in a higher power, greater good, life after death doesn't mean were lost. Good luck burning in hell i really do feel bad for your dumbass.
Seriously, you people just don't know the JOY of being a christian, were everyday walking living people, with confidence that our God, will fufull the day. WHo are you to juge?
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