How is sex in the woods 'amazing'? Who the fuck wants to be standing, kneeling, laying naked in a Jacksonville - or anywhere in Florida 'forest'- with nasty ass bugs, and hot as fuck weather?
sex in the woods can be fun if you know how to do it. always make sure there's a blanket.
sand gets places...and will stay in those places...::shiver::
June 21, 10:18....brilliant
Sex in the woods, in Florida, in the summer is a terrible idea. Everyone knows we have bigger, badder bugs than most of the country.
Been there, done that. So has most my school. Apparently students are prone to getting poison ivy all over their private areas b/c 70% of the pple going to the Health Center for STDs is a breakout of poison ivy over their junk
Seriously, if you're gonna have sex in the woods, there's better states to do it in than Florida. We don't have a stand of trees that's more than half an inch of rain away from being a swamp...
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