accidents happen dickwads. i was on the pill and we used a condom and i still got fucking pregnant so all you haters can kiss my fucking ass.
i love my kids, their father is an asshole, and nothing you fuckfaces say can change that.
I actually think this is funny. You could have cards that say "You said you were too broke for condoms, but the state says you're not broke enough to dodge child support. Happy Fathers day" and "Withdrawal only works when you have self-control"
Anyone could have had this idea... no one can actually be sure she's even a she.
And it takes two people to make a baby.. guys can put condoms on allll by themselves.
To the people who think this girl is a slut... so do you think she should have had an abortion... like YOUR girlfriend? would that make her a better person?
*tsk* *tsk* ignorance...
most of you guys obviously don't have sex or know about it enough to recognize that you can use condoms and still get prego.. most of you were probably one of those "surprises".. so shut up.
12:24 spoken like a true whore, there are plenty of ways to not "accidentally" get pregnant. 2 reasons girls get pregnant
1) they are retarded for not being on the pill, or having un protected sex
2) to trap a guy into staying in the relationship
yes the guys should man up, but since you have more risk, take precautions
ha. I was faithfully on the pill for almost 10 years and got preggo. my friend got her tubes tied and she still got preggo..
my best friend was told she couldnt have kids, was on fertility drugs for 5 years, got off them, and got preggo 2 years later.
the only way NOT to get pregnant is to NOT have sex.
It's one thing to get pregnant, whether you are taking precautions or not... It's another to not take responsibility for it. It takes two to tango.
i looked for one of those cards too! My baby's daddy offered to pay for an abortion and still marry me, but why would I murder our first child just so we could get a piece of paper and have another? more power to the single moms who are taking care of their babies instead of having abortions, and shame on fathers who deserve this type of father's day cards... man up!! u made a baby u should take care of it.
Regarding using protection: accidents can still happen. My wife got pregnant the first time while on the pill.
Regarding abortion: maybe the guy claimed he'd take responsibility and so the woman decided to have the kid, except then he pussied out when he realized what it actually means to take care of a little crying, pooping person instead of going out and getting drunk every night.
just because she got pregnant doesn't mean she's a slut.
you have no idea how old she is or who the guy is. maybe he was her boyfriend for years and they decided to have a baby together but then he decided he didn't want it and left.
so stop just saying 'you slut.'
hey idiots, sluts aren't the only ones who have babies. i know girls who have been with their boyfriends for over two years and they accidentally get pregnant and the dudes leave. &she'd really only be a slut if she was buying more than one baby daddy card and sending it to four or five different guys.
Ah, a classic debate. I think its hilarious. Sometimes men are piece of shit fathers, sometimes women are piece of shit mothers. I sure do wish there was a card like this though!
you know what... I'm with you girl. You don't have to be a slut to meet an asshole. Not all men are shitty guys (don't get your nuts in a twist men). I'm just saying sometimes we're unlucky. And I'd love to make my baby-daddy cry. He deserves it. For not being there to help when our baby himself cries. kudos my friend. I'll probably make a homemake one.
yes i wish there was a card like this!!! I didn't ever lie to my baby daddy about being on the pill he knew i wasnt and he supposedly pulled out but shit happens. And we had been fucking for over a year. now he wont man up oh well fuck him!
Considering this is 910 probably jville, i must agree with
"They should also have one for moms
"I guess you really weren't on the pill after is a 10 pack of wire hangers!!!!"
And guess what??? Im a woman... a lot of Girls around here are such hoe bags. Not all but a lot.
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