Umm...the Valley of The kings is a mass grave (tomb) site...are you saying things are dead and buried inside?...and I dunno if you've been there but it's probably not image you'd like to be associated with your vag.
I named my pinky toe "The Balancer." My knee is called "Water Polo." Scalp: "Dude Ranch." Elbow: "Freaky Deaky." Second knuckle, ring finger, left hand: "Howie Dooing."
I was speechless after I read this text...that is one fucked up chick who knows nothing about the Valley of Kings<<<<< she must be she just said hi my vagina is a mass grave...which kinda makes you think dead guys or dead babies hmmmm abortion
"Umm...the Valley of The kings is a mass grave (tomb) site...are you saying things are dead and buried inside?" <<<< I agree with this quote from before. Does that mean you've had like mass abortions? hahaha
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