the guy was just immature, but the girl, well i know her through friends, but my opinion of her changed to a good one. she seemed to take on the responsibility pretty well and tried her very best. so no, she wasn't stupid at all.
i wonder how many of these girls will have thick southern accents. and thanks mtv for totally stealing shit from juno. and why is this a good tfln submission?
9:22, I know all of that stuff isn't 100 percent effective and saying pulling out would be better than just blowing a load in her, but I meant it sarcastically. Take some steps in prevention.
it's been proven that you cannot get pregnant from pre-ejaculate. the fluids in pre-cum are used to cleanse the urethra from the residue of urine that may be left. the urine kills sperm.
yay sex classes and higher education!
I don't think Maci wanted attention, I mean she was a cheerleader/dancer and seemed to have a pretty supportive and attentive family and a good group of friends.
I don't think I can watch that show anymore because I get so worked up over it.
1) 4 wheeling while 9 mos pregnant...uuhhh.
2) She is a pushover. Grow some balls and tell your bf to shape up or kick his ass out.
3) I wish they would talk about HOW they got pregnant. Was she actually on the pill? Did they use a condom? Did it break? Did they not use one? I want details.
3:06- Birth control is not 100% effective, neither are condoms. And are you seriously suggesting pulling out as a reliable method of birth control? You can still get pregnant from pre-cum, and in the moment it can be hard to pull out in time. I'm pro-choice, but I understand how some people wouldn't want to kill their baby just because they accidentally got knocked up. Kudos to them for trying to do the right thing and take responsibility for their actions.
But yeah, MTV sucks.
just watched that an hour ago! it was good and true 11:04 and uhh 10:57 no thats not what theyre talking about its a new show called 16 and pregnant its goood
Hey guess what 12:53, I used to use the pull-out method and I got my ass knocked up. And never once did he cum inside me or around my genital area. So how did I get prego if it was not pre-cum?
I suppose it could have been from a dirty toilet seat, eh?
Also, you said the fluids in pre-cum are used to cleanse the URETHRA from leftover urine. I don't know about you, but I don't get fucked in my pee-hole. I like it in the vagina like normal girls. Ain't no urine in there honey. Yay basic sex education!
Don't they show enough of these kids on other shows like maury? Not just the ones that desperately want a baby...I think it's more about desperately wanting attention.
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