Well, Cornell is in Ithaca and has a ton of frats, so maybe that's what the texter meant.
Ithaca College has "music" frats, and I don't think any of those boys involved with those would be too much into fucking a girl.
haha Yeah that shit annoys me... Nothing like us locals to set these out-of-towners straight about how they a) won't be famous, and b) will never achieve their dream, and if they really want to, c) it won't be as easy as in the movies.... This city chews people up and spits them out... Go back to Kansas, sweetie, we're built like steel over here...
Ithaca College has one of the top 5 theatrical performance conservatories in the nation. We end up Tony Nominated not back in Kansas. No frats, but a whole lot more talent than the girl you saw walking down the street. Do some research before resigning yourself to a life of idiocy.
If New York was actually so much more educated and superior to the midwest, the south, the southwest or the west coast, they would feel the need to tell everyone... NY can suck a fat cock... Puerto Rico Day parades and shit
as an ithaca college theatre grad i can say we have no frats. if you consider the music school clubs frats than you're a loser. but i do have to say it was tons of fun nailing tons of rich dumb bitches, its even better when they are on the phone asking their dad for money. but the theatre school is amazing. go dillingham! IC 07
IC has the WORST "Frats" they are all d-bags who just want to bang dumb girls (which really isnt that different from the frats at cornell but thats besides the point) And plus they actually arent frats at all, just a bunch of guys living in a house.
And yes there are a fair amount of IC kids in Cornell frats. It just depends on who you know and how much you can spend on alcohol a week. lol
The fact that the girl was too stupid to figure out that she can WALK down a one-way street the wrong way has nothing to do with where she's from. There are one-way streets everywhere, not just your precious NYC.
"actually, i think I know the chick he/she passed. she is from orange county.
As a midwestern chick originally from OC, I really wonder if someone wrote this about me.... But I have NEVER been that drunk. I really wonder if one of my friends wrote this about me.... Guys, it so was not me!
I love how people from Ithaca College are jumping in to defend IC. No one cares; That's not the point of the text. Why don't you use that college education and get a sense of humor? -_-
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