-A 2007 study by the White House Council of Economic Advisers showed that 90% of native workers received wage gains due to immigration, the wages gains totally between 30 and 80 billion dollars.
you guys are idiots. 8:38 is right on. the laws are bullshit, its our job to question them. and half of you assholes who say you would pick oranges or make beds or garden are liars.
fuck liberals and fuck the people that support illegal immigrants.
youre all fucking stupid.
laws are set to protect us and what we have.
id pick oranges or mow lawns all day mexicans are just desperate and will work for a case of corona.
in fact my dad paid our landscapers in patron the other night
hey, if it's legal, fine.
if it's not, and they don't have the green card, then it's their problem.
how would you feel if your job got taken by a mexican that wasn't evne legally allowed to be here?
everyone chill the fuck out
They would do the same if we invaded thier country. Oh wait their country sucks so we would never do that. Do your duty as a true American and send their asses back across the border. If they can't get here legaly they don't deserve to be here!!!!
I thought this was funny. That's the whole point of the fucking site, people. We don't need to discuss illegal immigration on a website devoted to weird shit people have texted each other, usually when they were fucked up.
You mean like illegally invading a country, or illegally torturing people, or illegally taking bribes from lobbyists....Yes I do know what iut means to say Cristopher Columbus was America's 1st Illigal immigrant.
im glad you got one of em out of SD...... he shouldnt be here in the first place.... do it legal like me... wait your time take the tests... and pay your FUCKING taxes. its not hard.
Um.. I'm unemployed right now. I have a master's degree. And I would still pick oranges or clean hotel rooms for a living RIGHT NOW if the opportunity presented itself.
It takes YEARS to get a greencard and several thousand dollars. You know why? Because so many people try to cheat the system by jumping the fencing and living in the US illegally.
to June 4, 2009 7:56PM:
our ancestors were foreign but most came here legally after systems were established. most of us live here legally, and pay into the system in taxes. illegal immigrants don't.
sorry mexico is screwed up- they need to deal w/ their own government and stop pulling CA down the drain.
Regardless whether they do the jobs that us lazy ass Americans won't touch-laws are laws. When you break them, they get enforced. It's called a greencard, they should of gotten one.
Agreed with 7:56. Illegal immigrants do the jobs no Americans will do. When was the last time you heard of an illegal Mexican immigrant stealing anyone's job. Name one person, please. Oh wait, you can't. Why don't we just offer these people citizenship so they can pay their taxes like the rest of us and won't have to live in fear?
i agree with one of the 8pms on the college tuition thing. Affirmative action is bullshit. people at the same school as me, same neighborhood, less AP classes, less e.c.s, lower GPA, lower test scores got into schools i didn't because they were mexican. THAT'S racism.
1:12 idiot with the crappy joke... you're not funny. Keep dreaming, whatever makes you feel better about yourself and all that you're lacking in life.
As for the text, the less illegal immigrants, the better.
Do it a couple million times more. Illegal means tgat tge first thing tgey did upon entering tge country was a crime. We need to send them all back to where tgey came.
This is why america is going to hell, you ignorant people clearly have no idea how the immigration system works. you live in fantasy land where "illegal aliens" just swim across to sell drugs so they deserve to be deported. get your facts straight. the process is unfair and nearly impossible. honestly, think about the other borders. more terrorists get in through canada, wheres the 10 foot wall there?
Your all idiots, if you think Americans will do the job. The problem is you cannot stand the sight of a hardworking Mexican doing right and raising their families to prosper in this great country, quit getting your info from right wing rich old men on Fox news and get over yourselves. We are here to stay and your prettyu white women are looking real good.
fuckem he knew what he was doin when he snuck into america. his ass will just sneak back anyways. the chopes take a chance and roll the dice on a better life and sometimes they crap out!
you should deport another one and tell us if your feeling any change. besides its not like they are taxpayers and law bidding citiznes that don't wave their fuckin' flags on OUR soil...if you are go to be in this country SPEAK ENGLISH...I HAD TO!
Well. Illegal means not legal. We live in a country of laws, rights, and liberty for our citizens. If you break the law, you should be arrested and prosecuted as any American would be. The land of opportunity plays by the rules, so should you. You should feel badly, but know you did the right thing.
For everyone who's saying illegal immigrants don't take our money: who do you think pays for it when they get hurt and go to the hospital and need to be treated?
There's two arguments here, and both are blatantly bias. But there's one fact, and that's there's a law regardless of the moral standards you go by. So shitty deals for the Mexican, but that's the risk he/she took...
im from south america and we all hate mexicans down here, but seriously it sucks to live in the U.S. when you get treated like a little midget aztec who looks like a stocky pinto bean. so much hate in this thread and on the streets. viva suramerica
so basically, everyone blames SOMEone else. 8:36 is the biggest hypocrite of all. Talk about 23789346794679 babies--go to the bario and see how many friggin' Mexicans squeeze in to a 1-bedroom apartment. You may not like rednecks, but they're legal. And i am SURRRE Miami is "perfectly fine". hahaha, what a joke.
as for 8:37? well, i too would rather deport some Mormons, but alas, they are legal.
Nobody's right and everybody's wrong. Get over it, smoke a joint, and fucking move on.
to all assholes who say Americans are lazy and won't pick oranges, do yard work, make beds, etc. you can go fuck yourselves. I have a master's degree in business and held a management position that made me more in a year than most of you make in three years and now i'm doing landscaping work and lawn maintenance just like your 'poor mexicans', so fuck off
Why are you guys so pissed off? this is not a political debate nor is it a debate over the state of the Mexican people and the issue of aliens. It's a one liner text made to make you laugh. You guys need to develop a sense of humor and watch more south park.
whoever said its 1/10th of a cent in our taxes... not over the course of our tax-paying lives!! and what about the principle behind not paying for what you don't agree with? i'm not calling border patrol but if it happens it happens. i take the risk of being arrested when i smoke weed, they take the risk of being deported when they enter illegally. whether or not it SHOULD be illegal is irrelevant in both cases.
lol. all the mexicans working at a taco bell near my house got deported for being illegal. the new crew (legal americans) are hella slow. just shows that mexicans DO take jobs that anericans WILL do. so fuck all you liberal pussies.
for all of you who are like they need to stay in our country..bahaa. their problem. go to china, they wont notice too much a difference. (no offence, china!)
everyone calm down. find some political website to b*tch about this on.
11:37 Is right. Fuck you all who said good night. Your all assholes who would happily ruin a families life you no goddamn reason. 8:26 this person and their family is like, what 1/10,000 of a cent in your taxes. Your not paying his healthcare, you paying 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of his health care just like everyone is for you
oh a by the way, if you wandered into italy or eangland or germany and just started working with no paperwork or anything they would boot you out of there so fast it's ridiculous. american, mexican or canadian they would kick you out. we only kick out illegal immigrants. not immigrants.
i did that once...
an illegal one backed into me in the middle of an intersection?!
she did like... 4000$ damage to my car & tried to offer me 100.
estella, what a day.
I agree with 4:02. are you really gonna get into a debate on this website? really?!? and besides even Mexicans know they are the scum of the earth and are responsible for most of the economic problems in California. Fuck em! We shouldn't be pointing our nuclear missles at North Korea we should aim them south and make Taco Land glow in the dark. Wait.... we should keep a handful to clean our toilets and make burritos
wow you guys are so fucked up go die obviously theyre a here for a reason for an opportunity and calling them wet abcks and shit is so fucked up you fucking racists honestly they try so hard to get here illegally no matter how much you think theyre "stealing" jobs from you they probobly worked harded to get here than youve ever worked to do anythign in your life wow
You have so many opportunities that i wasnt born with and i came here with just the clothes on my back and through HARD WORK for LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE i have more than you ever will....
This is a fabulous place to be arguing immigration reform. It's a website for dick and fart jokes, you shitstains! Chill the fuck out. No wonder this country is one giant episode of Springer!
Dear 3:29,
Mexicans exist. That is reason enough to dislike them. Also, norteno music and narcocorridos, the words guajolote, alberca, guacala, esquincle, and zacate, and their liberal use of Jabon Jet and manteca. How classy. Too bad smallpox didn't kill off everybody back in the time of the Aztecs.
A Colombian, a Brazilian, an Argentine, and a Cuban.
8:00 - "Dont worry our government will bring him back, give him your job, welfare, a tax break, some health benefits, college tuition, and your girlfriend."
.... i love you
i'm not mexican but i used to be an illegal......so all i have to say is fuck you lazy, food stamp using, section 8 living dependants on the government.
lol @ "everyone deserves to live in america..."
maybe about as much as I deserve to live in Bill Gate's house. Make your own country better instead of ruining ours. I live in NEW Mexico and I know tons of people who've gone through naturalization. They're badass.
all the ones who posted things about wet-backs and "who will pick oranges now "are a bunch of ignorant douchebags...you are the reason why so many people dislike americans...
fuckin a right boot the beaner out. you wanna be here do it legally like all the other immigrants. you don't get special treament just because we share a border
7:38-- selfish???? You do realize in order to get deported, said Mexican would have to be illegal. I think that's pretty damn selfish, in and of itself. One more job just opened up. And in our piece-of-shit economy, I would say that's pretty much the opposite of selfish.
I used to think the way some people did here, but umm...you can't get public benefits if you're illegal, and they get paid less because our government and people are screwing them as bad as their home government is screwing them. Want to solve their problems and ours? Make them citizens, so they can be tracked like us by the system, get the benefits, and get bent over for taxes like we do. No more "cheap labor". So get some education and read a little, you uneducated red-necks.
not that i have anything against mexicans.... just if you're an illegal immigrant.... chinese, mexican, polish.... doesn't matter the race.... the point is that you're an illegal immigrant
do everyone a favor, and have a few more deported...I pay taxes for me, not shitheads who cross the river for free. thank you. you have done a civil service.
Now why don't you look down
to where your feet is planted
U guys aré a bunch of ass holes u know how hard mexicans work they do the fucking jobs Américas aré to fucking lazy to do or think they are way too good to be doing that everyone who thinks it's right is sick they come over to help their families prosper and get ahead u know how hard it is for them and how little they are paid u fucking ass hole mother Fuckers don't respect anything or anyone Americans are fucking immigrants to they drove out the indians as this was their homeland before cocky a
Obviously the illegal person had to leave so much behind as all illegal people do. You definitely ruined his chances of feeding himself//providing in many ways for loved ones. Do not do that again!! ASSHOLE
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