I feel bad for you GAPeach. People that pick on others on an anonymous site are pretty pitiful. You just left a comment and people are calling you a homo and wishing you would get kidnapped. That's sad that some people feel so bad about themselves that they have to make fun of people they don't even know. On behalf of the good part o society, I'm sorry
Submitted by
on Oct 31, 11 at 10:34pm
*hugs* thank you, much more articulate than I could have managed. Not everyone on here is sadistic but the few who are wont stop. I'm getting annoyed at them, this is a website doused in aniomimity and it is ment for fun. If you can't be nice gtfo, if you catch me in a mistake tell me all about it! We'll laugh together.
I know I'm a little late to this debate, but I find GA_Peach to be kind of hilarious. I look for those comments first. And yes, there is such a thing as going too far on comment threads like this. ... Also, what the dude in the text did seems like a really good way to end up missing. Or dead. Just saying.
@ga peach: why? you really get so pissed on a completely anonymous site that you get people banned? the comments are funny, usually funnier than the submissions, and you get the funny ones banned? butthurt much? people like you make this world a shitty place to live in.
One person, and he deserved it. I didn't get pissed, it doesn't upset it...it is slightly annoying and I call them when I see them but that asshat above went too far.
Also, My comments aren't that bad....votes say so. I respond to nonsense and say what I have to say. I am not angry, I am tired of being picked on every other post. Even when I don't post shit for several texts some people have a comment about me. It is ridiculous.
I don't understand why some people are so mean on here, reading comments are optional. Other people get randomly harassed but not continually. Don't comment about me unless you have something nice to say. I got fatherfigure banned and I won't tolerate comments like this. Call me dumb or make a joke, fine, but calling me derogatory names or wishing harm towards me because you think my comment is useless, even in jest, is malevolence I don't understand.
I'd say hsm531's reaction is somewhat extreme, but it is true that you consistently provide the WORST comments on this site. Look around, several other people have mentioned it. This is a site for people to read/laugh at/comment on what is by and large incredibly immature stuff...you don't seem to understand that. Also, who gives a shit what an anonymous person on the internet says about you?! Getting people banned??
Fatherfigure took it a bit far, go back and find some. It took a lot for me to act. Also, just me reporting him would not have worked, others had to report him too. Consistently? Really? I am worse than a "firsty?!" you are fucking ridiculous.
Ok, I should have said "the worst of the people who actually leave coherent comments regularly enough for me to remember their names." I have nothing against you, and I don't bash your posts, but you didn't understand why you were specifically being targeted...so read your comments compared to the rest...75% of the time you tell a barely-relevant story that is not at all funny and possibly not even supposed to be?
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