There are plenty of high schoolers who can handle 13 shots. By handle I mean not get alcohol poisoning. You can most certainly build up a tolerance before 18
@JJdoggie: it's all dependent upon the individuals body mass and metabolism. I was drinking rum and vodka by the handle at 13. Learn some chemistry and physiology.
I'm telling my friends that this should be my 18th birthday. They need to make this happen. If they don't I will set up my own the next day and celebrate all by myself.
@natperks clearly you don't know me. I assure you it takes time to build up that kind of tolerance, an 18 yo would be in the ER with alcohol poisoning. Post is another fake no doubt.
JJ...your an idiot. I HAVE HAD ALCOHOL POISIONING! and it required a fifth of vodka and two full bottles of wine in half an hour when I was 16...compared to that, 13 shots is nothing
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