New bet. First person to fuck their girlfriend and narrate the whole thing in Morgan freemans voice wins. You are disqualified if she asks you about. My girlfriend is on her rag. U have the headstart. Your move...
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"And I said to the bitch, 'Get busy f*ckin, or get busy dyin'"
Would you like the commentary in the Shawshank Redemption commentary voice, the Brue Almighty comical tone, or the 'Crazy Joe' serious rugged Lean On Me voice?
Samuel Jackson would be a good voice too. " bend ova' mutha fucka! Im'a put a snake in dat plaaaane!"
dude....the rag is why buttsex was created.....your still in this
This was just on twitter. Fail.
Freemanic paracusia FTW!
I seriously wish my boyfriend would do this... Haha
Parsons42186, you win!
Eva' since three weeks ago when I met this bitch, people knew I was gonna fuck her one day. So I figure ya either get busy fuckin, or get busy dyin.
Gives a new meaning to "through the wormhole."
Nothing wrong with fucking a girl on her rag shes at her horniest! That's how you know this person is young.
hahahaha and videotape it too
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