the first time I had sex with my partner was not good at all...but now it's AWESOME...if I'd left it after the first time...I would have been sorry............
I find it interesting that you, 4:43(and whatever other times you posted), think that you're hot shit because you, apparently, have no standards. In reality, what you should be saying is that the "hot "chicks that actually give you the time of day get "good sex" from you, and the girls that are probably actually at the same level as you are the ones you give "bad sex". Its ok. Its a self-esteem boost for you to make that judgement. We understand.
To be honest, most of the girls 4:43's had are probably very grateful he didn't call them afterwards. Girls WAY lower their standards for hook ups, which is why you're getting laid.
Well, for those of us who are good in bed, you need to realize it's 100% up to us how good sex is for you. If you make the cut you'll have a good night, if you don' least I'll get mine. Sorry it's the way of the world ladies.
Agreed with 7:43. Just as some women suck at sex, some men suck at sex. It's not an insult to either gender. Some people just suck in bed, regardless of the fact that they're a one night stand or a long-term boyfriend.
I totally agree with 10:39 here. And guys, stop playing the "all for one and one for all" game here, I don't know why you guys always try to stand up for each other when a girl is it because you guys are insecure or sometimes you just can't perform? I think you should let those guys fight their own battles but if the hat fits...
He probably gave you whatever he deemed you were worth. I tend to judge my bar trash I take home and my effort is based on hotness. If you're not hot you get zero foreplay, 5 mins of quicky sex, a face shot and a $10 bill left on your nightstand.
Why all the defensiveness? Some men are awesome in bed, and some are godawful. Men will never understand how downright unplesant sex can be for a woman.
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