8:00 and 7:57. I'm not an idiot, thank you very much. I know many guys who've cheated. And it's very, very rarely a 'it only happened once, I swear!' case. Most of the time, if I guy cheats he's cheated before and/or he'll do it again.
the girl isn't the one to fucking blame. get over it. the guy is the douchefuck here. he's the one with the issues and the problems. if it was a one night stand who the fuck cares if the guy has a gf? you're never going to see him again. and if he was willing to cheat then it wasn't you that spontaniously turned him bad. if he's cheating he's prolly done it before. so don't call the girl a slut. she's not faultless, and yeah, it's a bit immoral but she's not a whore for it. grow up.
I don't understand why your mostly blaming the girl!? she didn't do shit! It's the guy at fault he is the one DOING the cheating and that is the only thing wrong with the entire situation.
in the end the asshole isn't married anyways
she's a dirty whore (& we love her for it) and this looks like a job for ......da da dat dut da daahhhhhhhhhh.... W H I I I I T T T E E TT I I I I I I I I G G G GGGG EE E E R R R R R!!
Maybe the dude's girlfriend won't fuck him anymore because he has a limp dick, and that's why he decided to experiment with the poster. Maybe he needed to prove that he's not defective and failed.
7:27 "she's a dirty whore (& we love her for it) and this looks like a job for ......da da dat dut da daahhhhhhhhhh.... W H I I I I T T T E E TT I I I I I I I I G G G GGGG EE E E R R R R R!!"
I love you for this post hahahah
wow what a double standard these people are doing...if a guy cheats on a girl he doesnt get called a slut or a whore...he gets praised for it...but if a SINGLE girl hooks up with a guy that has a gf shes automatically a whore... shes the one thats single. and hes the one that has a GF.......so everyone thats hating on the girl, its 21 fucking century, andd stop being so sexist... its just having fun...
maybe he was cheating because he has been in his relationship so long that his sex life has fizzled and he wants a little pick me up!! Only prob was the pick me up didn't quite work!
wow what a double standard these people are doing...if a guy cheats on a girl he doesnt get called a slut or a whore...he gets praised for it...but if a SINGLE girl hooks up with a guy that has a gf shes automatically a whore... shes the one thats single. and hes the one that has a GF.......so everyone thats hating on the girl, its 21 fucking century, andd stop being so sexist... its just having fun...
lol standards are standards. Not changing anytime soon methinks. Also BAWWWWWWWWWW
i agree, dont blame the girl.yeah she's wrong but still single
last time i checked if r single ur free to do what you want. his gf is his problem and yess he should break up with her if he cheats(he obviously doesnt love her) but any guyy with a gf tht fucks him isnt gunna break up with her until hes sure there are other ready to go when he needs to get some.
LMAO I would have laughed at his Dumb Ass as well. Can't get it up??? WTF I bet if you offered some Head he would have been good to go.
Ladies Focus on the real issue - HE COULDN"T GET IT UP!!!
2:12, you're an idiot. Plenty of guys cheat on their girlfriends even if they're still having regular sex, because they're insecure and selfish.
And any girl who has sex with a guy who she knows has a girlfriend is a slut, no questions asked.
haha, who cares if they cheat. everyone cheats at some point, it just sex. get your heads out of your ass. your bf/gf will cheat on you at some point. just be happy if they make u happy. this guy just blew his opportunity, too bad for him haha.
yes they are both losers and deserve each other!
and yes i'm sure if she'd tried hard enough she could have got him working!
you can't just expect him to get himself ready all the time, you could give him some help...
Haha I agree with May 27, 2009 2:34PM... If she had a bf, she wouldn't want him to cheat. I think they're both wrong. But maybe he felt so bad for even thinking about it his wittle guy didn't want to work! Bahahaha! This is classic.
Cheating is never good. I couldn't let a guy fuck around with me if I knew he had a gf. I know what it feels like to be cheated on. At least the douche bag got a girl preggers AND she gave him an STD. Thank God I knew something was up! (And that WASN'T his dick in me ;P)
thats what you get for trying to get a taken man...and he deals with the embarrassment... either that or you must be physically unattractive and he needs Viagra
Wow I love how everyone is blaming the SINGLE GIRL in this situation, when it's obviously the guy who is a fault. He's the one cheating. She's not doing anything wrong. She is not a bitch, a whore, or a cunt. But the guy is a cheating asshole.
It's a free country. The girl can do whoever she wants. The guy however...well, it's a moral thing. 90% of the people who post txts on this website seem to have forgotten the word "moral."
It's both of them. He's a prick, and she's a dumbass cause she KNOWS he's gonna go home to someone else. This is why people have STD's!!! If you're unhappy in your relationship, LEAVE, don't cheat!
you all need to just accept the fact that society agreed many years ago that this situation makes a guy awesome (if he would get it up) and the girl a whore... just fucking deal with it "its the 21st century" shut the fuck up... be happy u have suffrage
Ahhh Maine, doesn't surprise me at all, and FYI I hate the whole double standard thing :* I mean girls should be able to do ANYTHING guys do and not be judged for it.
this happened to me, only instead of not getting it up...he came in literally 45 seconds flat...then got hard again,got a good minute in, and then came again. Then he wanted to talk...sigh, and his dick was so big too..... :(
being a guy, and having cheated (and regret it for the rest of my life) it wasnt him it was you face it if a guy thinks anything about is attractive or desirable , shit works if it wasnt hard he didnt want you
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