In one night, this kid threw a firecracker under a fucking cop car, crashed three seperate parties, and passed out in a tree in our backyard. Do you even know who he is?
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He is: The Most Interesting Kid in the World. Stay thirsty, my friends.
nice sir!
Update. His name it turns out was Doug, he left on foot the next morning, and no one has seen or heard from him since. He left as suddenly as he appeared, and he touched us deeply.
Or possibly Keith Stone.
Hmm need to find tht kid. I either find him or give my paroll officer a blow job. Get back to me if u think the kids btr.
The name's Morgan, Captain Morgan.
Today will be the day that the Best/Worst of all time are dethroned. Between this and the miscarriage one, there's a new king in town.
I dont kno his name but he also threw his phone in the lake because he couldnt unlock it! Pshhh
Well, I also shit in your sink, threw some on your walls and wrapped some and stored it in your fridge...
Geez! Where can I find one of those kids?!?
If u don't kno him u should!!!
Some guy named poop head Jon...
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