Hello RAAAAAAAANDY's parents, theres been a terrible cunnilingus accident. RAAAAAAAANDy was eating pussy under water...Yeah I know its awesome, but he didnt make it.
Here lies Randy, he died while eating pussy. Then his hand print will be on the gravestone so that when you walk by it'll pop out to give you a high five. BA BAM BA BAM BA BAM!
Some guys actually like this. :-D But if you're going to play this game, use the nonverbal version of a safeword. Get one of those cat toys--a ball with a jingle-bell inside of it--and have him hold onto it. If you hear it drop? GET UP.
Roll the body up in a carpet and get rid of it. Oh, and spray his face with clorox to get rid of vag dna. \n\nAnd then lose some weight before you attempt it again. \n\nYou're welcome.
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