Dear Child(ren), Please trade in your "sense of humor" for an up to date model. Your current one is defective: It is stuck on the "Grade School" setting.
Bro, we're all on here to have fun and laugh about the crazy things that happen to us. I'm sorry if you'd rather play dungeons and dragons on the weekend, but find something to do other than come on a website, that you clearly know is meant for "grade school humor" and tell people they suck. \n\nThe text was hilarious. end of story.
ahem .... There have been some truly amusing texts on this site: This is not one of them, end of story on THAT matter. As for what I do on weekends? I have a job, a family and can actually think with the brain I was given - it is not MY fault that you cannot say the same, kid.
you must have a small, narrow, pen-head like penis to be able to text w/ it!\n\nMy fingers are almost to big to text accurately, I can't imagine trying to do it with my dingaling!
Ah yes, blame a body part utterly incapable of thought or of using a phone for your own actions. I hope you are only ever able to get a below minimum wage job that requires no responsibility or accountability.
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