Actually fat people aren't harming me in the slightest, while smokers force me to breath their second hand chemicals, which are worse than the ones they're sucking into their bodies. So I'd much rather hang out with a fatty than a smelly ass smoker.
I don't believe that second hand smoke is worse. Maybe in an equal amount of volume inhaled, but, how likely is that to happen? Sorry, I call bullsh*t on that claim.
@legonut, fat people are absolutely NOT people and do not deserve to be treated as such. The should be put in giant running wheels and used to make electricity so we can save the environment and their miserable lives!
Submitted by
on Feb 16, 11 at 12:44am
@legonut Uh hate to break it to you but fat people are disgusting. Why is it ok for fat people to be out in public when smokers can't? It's all the same to me. Bad habits = people don't want to see you. Go work out and drink water.
Jdaddy2007: save the beaches harpoon a fat chick!! And another thing. Learn what to wear!! They don't make shut in ur size for a reason. So don't try to fit Urself into it. What did the shirt ever do to you?
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