Yeah, there's something to be proud of. I believe abortion should be legal, but also that just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. Can't support a child, can't give them the life you know they deserve, just can't do it? Fine, get an abortion. But don't act like it's funny, or no big deal, because that's sickening.
This whole site is full of texts taken out of context. This one in particular makes it sound like the texter is making light of their own/their sexual partner's[depending on their gender] abortion. If that's the case then I find my comment to be perfectly relevant.
Said8ED, leave Figuratively and their opinion alone. Everyone's entitled to an opinion and on a website like this, maybe you should just agree to disagree instead of spreading your verbal diarrhea all over everyone's posts as to why Figuratively is oh-so-in-the-wrong. If it sounds like preaching to you, then fine. Give your two cents and move on and stop acting like a child trying to push your contrary opinion in a "See?? See?? See??" way because you're mad about it.
You're wrong, BSParty. The op attempted a little levity in a downer situation and Figuratively got all over it as if it was made as some kind of joke. I'm not mad about anything. Think about it: who is the real child here? Who's pushing their opinion? Get over yourself.
If we can get in some talk on socialism, health care reform, taxes and 9/11, I would be so. Happy. Then, lets argue about game consoles on Youtube, see you guys there?
Submitted by
on Nov 22, 10 at 11:31pm
@Figuratively: I dunno, I read this as someone using sick humor as a coping mechanism to deal with a bad event in their life. It's what I'd do. (Disclaimer: I grew up in the 201, so you may think I'm just as "morally bankrupt" as the OP.)
Hmm. I'm actually surprised here. A seemingly jocular comment about abortion (of all things) and no serious rants. Race, hyper-sexed women, or president Obama, and all the freaks come out. Curious.
PEOPLE need to lighten up about this subject, if you dont think stuff like this is funny dont read stuff on TFLN! Simple as that, and no one knows what it's like in someone elses shoes sooo walk a thousand miles in them & then start being the judgemental bitches that you are!
Wow figuratively, really? Get off your soapbox and preach to folks who give a damn. This is TFLN! You see abortion texts everyday! No one cares what you think if it isn't funny!
I know where I am, and I wasn't preaching. At least no more so than anyone else does on the internet. But thank you for your input, I'll take what you say to heart. At least, as much as anyone takes anything some idiot says to them on the internet to heart.
"Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hinder legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." -Samuel Johnson
There are lots of things that happen every day that aren't necessarily right. Just because something happens all the time doesn't mean it's acceptable, though it does cause many people to become numb to it. @Figuratively, good job for speaking up.
Is neither of the two. If you wanted to take a stab in the dark, you should have said that I'm a young, single mother, who after experiencing the hardship of motherhood believes her own morals are the only correct ones and that every woman should have her baby. Of course, that wouldn't be a correct assumption either. I don't have a baby, I've never had an abortion, hell, I've never even been pregnant. Truth is, if I did get pregnant now I probably would get an abortion, but I wouldn'
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