Sad how I actually went to this non-existent site :'(\n\nOn the upside, I'm actually eating a waffle made by... well, let's not get into that... but this text hit home ^_^
because someone always has to start some shit about how being homosexual is a choice or how its wrong. when it shouldn't be in forums like this. TFLN is a place to read texts that are supposed to be funny, not start stuff with other readers. I am a bisexual woman who is in love with a transgender man. Neither of us chose who we are (fact), and our love isn't wrong (my opinion). Before you judge us, do some research. and not biased websites. get out of your small little Fox News box
I fully support your choices and agree maybe TFLN is not the BEST forum for intellectual debate, but I disagree it shouldn't be on here from time to time. what better way to make teenagers, college students, etc. think than pose questions and arguments on a website that they can (occasionally) relate to and that they frequent quite often?
And you thought it wasn't? That someone couldn't decide to be heterosexual or homosexual? Are we all doomed to follow our fate in life as mindless robots? OH NOES!
-most- people don't choose their sexual orientation. for some it is more flexible and dynamic than others- that's where experimentation comes along. I believe the people who "switch" were always bisexual and just didn't act on or recognize previous urges. to assume it's a choice is just downright ignorant when most homosexuals you talk to will say they've known for as long as they can remember who they were interested in. and there are plenty of animal species that
Anything as complicated as human sexuality is not the result of a certain "choice", or, for that matter, the result of a simple genetic switch. Thousands of factors, genetic and psychological, surely play a role. Society tends to categorize people by the "homosexual" / "heterosexual" dichotomy which, though it works well in most cases, plasters over myriad subtleties, considerable nuance, and, in many cases, ambiguity. This is where experimentation comes in. It's not a
It's always funny for me to hear the " I didn't choose who to love! Don't judge me!" speech. Of course you choose or else you are suffering from a mental breakdown. That's what they call it when you act on urges without choice. In a healthy mind all of your actions have real roots tied to thoughts. Thoughts without choices are just that. Thoughts.
what you're missing is that the choice is to follow up on natural urges and openly be with the person/people you love, or to quell a natural urge because society tells you it's not "right" and make the choice to live a lie. I don't understand why this is so difficult for people to grasp- if you're heterosexual, did you ever CHOOSE to love the opposite sex? no. you just knew it was right for you. I believe it feels exactly the same for people of different orientation
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