Glenn Beck laughs himself to sleep every night. He's not laughing at Democrats. He laughing at the retarded, trailer-trash Republicans that have made him a wealthy man. All he has to do to double his income is put voice to the racist, hateful things his listeners are thinking.
i dont recall saying i ever liked bush or cheney. personally i think theyre morons as well. most politicians are. im sick of this politically correct bullshit, im not racist because i dont like obama. i dont like obama because hes taking my money and giving it to the worthless dickheads who wont go and get a job. "socialism fails when you run out of other peoples money".
So you have to be a worthless dickhead to be unemployed? What about those with disabilities that cannot? Or hell, us college students that work ten times as hard as you do and are unable to work?
Dear Spelling_Nazi:\nIf you feel that you have nothing better to do than push your uneducated idealist agenda on college kids, you obviously have no life. So shut up or gtfo, please.
Spelling_Nazi is the only guy on here tht knows what he's talking about. Everyone else is just making false accusations because they don't have the brains to actually find out what's going on. It's called EDUCATION... You should try it sometime
ok barfbagbeauty, i cant respond on my iphone. which i bought as a college student. a year ago. because i got a job and worked hard. much like you apparently. so dont try the college kid shit on me. and i go by statistics and facts. not a couple of sob stories. 10% of people on wellfare are disabled and can honestly not get a job. 90% of people got knocked up, knocked someone up, didnt finish highschool out of laziness or to pay for child support, or are just to lazy to get a job so they live off m
continuation (got on my computer): so they live off my money which i worked hard to make. even you said so yourself that you have to work hard for money, and it's the same for me. so to summarize it the government is fucking me and other successful people over to support the sacks of shit who wont get a job and the occasional sob story. so maybe every rich person should just stop working and go on wellfare as well? but then who would the government get the money from. back to the infamous quote
way to go mentallectual, you found one grammatical error in the entire paragraph i wrote. congratulations. im sure your proud. now maybe you can go brag about it to your mommy.
@spelling_Nazi dude if you acually listened to anything except fox, you'd know Obama inherited one of the worst states our country has been in because of George bush and his fucktardedness
George Bush didn't and couldn't have ruined this country single handedly. Blaming something on a president, one third of our government is the dumbest thing ever. Corrupt CEO's leading corporations and banks who lied to people ruined this country. But keep thinking what you want, saying Bush ruined our country along with every other person without giving a reason is good, as long as everybody else backs you.
wait..if obama was a republican and the liberals didnt support him wouldnt that make the liberals racist and not the republicans? now i know democrats werent exactly blessed with the best brains but that seems to be common grow up, we dont hate him because he's black (which he barely is) we hate him because hes the biggest dumbfuck to have ever been elected. hes worse then clinton, and youd have to actually try to be worse then that moron..
Yeah, I know right. I just hate presidents who give the country a surplus. Anyone who says Obama is the worst president knows nothing about US history or economics.
@Spelling_Nazi I love how you call someone a moron within the same sentence you say "worse then". It's "worse than". You never learned "if, then" statements?
The last time I watched his show he was talking about how people in their teens and twenties right now will have to work until they drop dead to support themselves and possibly their parents and it was quite depressing.
Anybody commenting with the "Now you're sane!" type of bit are aware this person ingested alcohol, which is basically a low-grade poison, before making the above statement. Right?
How about this? We all realize we live in a very fucked up world that needs change. Not the type of fear-mongering propaganda that Glenn beck or rush limbaugh spew out propaganda for humongous amounts of money. Only children would believe in them. Oh and btw, race doesn't matter, we are all red on the inside . . .
COMPLETELY agree with caretaker22. First I thought Glenn Beck was a complete moron. Then I realized he was actually a genius. He doesn't believe a word he says, but it doesn't make me hate him any less.
Why do people think Glenn Beck is a truth-spinning liar when he shows things straight from the source through videos and audio recordings. Just curious, not looking to join some political war on the Internet, but by the way he's an Independent, not a Republican. Political parties ruin this country. Policy over party.
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