You bring the bicep workout. I'll bring the unscented gentle products. We'll both bring our penises.
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Not sure why this has so many "Bad Nights." It's just butt action. What what?
They had a good night regardless of what you think! ;)
Oh hot damn.
could things be any more manly?
There is nothing like a little g a y action between friends!
Vermont. Awesome.
Can I watch?
So girl on girl is hot, but guy on guy is repulsive? \nsmh, people are so judgmental. Just shut up.
FINALLY!!! a text where its obvious of sexual orientation and sexes and all that. love it =)
Whoo! Is it hot in here? And I'm a girl!
F a g hags rule.
How the hell is this a bad night? Is the ratio of homophobic morons to normal people seriously 2918 to 923?!
People need to stop being so retarded and love everyone.
Funny for open honest as guys. But why not think it might be girls? Heh wonder if it was worded more that way; bet it go from worst to great. Since most men can't get enough of girls on girls and just freak, when it's guys on guys.
so many homophobes
G a y!!!
Well spotted. Was it the "both bring our penises" that gave it away?
You ruined it! I thought that they were talking about strap-ons!
Weird... *sudden image of For Your Entertainment in my head* Love Ya! Adam Lambert <3
I'm not scared of gays I just hate them
... ugh.
Heck Yes! Does Anyone Else Feel An A&F Photo shoot coming on?
Unless this is two girls talking about their dildos....this is fucking disgusting
You have been watching too many shake weight commercials OP.
Good thing all the 'hetrophobes' are instructing us how to think.
Seriously homos, don't text on this site please.
Everyones got aids! Dundundun dun dun!
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Fake and Not Funny. Sincerely, Troll.
tobeabother....yes that's exactly right....fucking repulsive
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