I just got a Community College debit card in the mail. My failure has been materialized.
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I'd Finnish and nut in your hair.
Your mom goes to community college.
What's wrong with community college?
So by failure you mean saving tens of thousands of dollars? As long as you go to a university afterwards your not a failure. Sorry.
I'm sooo not going to a University afterwards.... Yay CC <3
btw i got fifty five hundred on that card.\nthere's a little win to my fail.
Omg me too!
For all of those saying community college is not failing, note the area code. This guy is mostly likely attending Hillsborough Community College, and anyone with any kind of experience with HCC would have to say yes, he is a failure.
he is a she*\nshe is me.\nat least YOU know what I'm talking about.
only if you dont go to real college afterwards
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