As an engineering major, I think the US should quit holding out and just go ahead and switch to the metric system. I mean 18 cm sounds so much better than "a little over 7 [inches]"
It's so very cliché but size isn't the most important aspect of a good fuck. It's how one can use it. A guy could have a King Kong cock but be an early ejaculator. A guy can have a small member but have the ability to rock your world like it's never been rocked before.
Switching to driving on left side of the road would reversing all the signs and markings and cost a shit load of money, not to mention there would be an in crease in accident s for a short time after the switch was made because it's likely some people would forget.
Oh, right, because everyone has a 14 inch dong when they're posting on the internet. Over 7 inches is the 95th percentile of dongs, like, for real. Go fuck a koala.
As a "United Statesian", I think our country should switch to the metric system too. I also think we should drive on the left side of the road, but that switch would probably be too difficult.
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