@slickleg: You are a douche. You are part ofthe reason why women are so few on the internet. You may think it cool to ask for pics, but you are a douche. Rule 354: You don't talk. Ever.
Get yourself a new one then, because this one doesn't even know the correct terminology. I'd like to see you shave/pour hot wax on your vagina. No I wouldn't. It makes me cry just thinking about it.
I doubt the gynecologist actually called it her vagina. He/she probably just said "nice wax job" or something like that. I'm pretty sure when the gynecologist was talking about waxing it was obvious she was talking about the pubic region.
Don't be such fags... It's a nice compliment, all in how the gyno said it. Not everyone is trying to sleep with all of you, get over yourselves. Ho else would you know how nice your cervix was? Or how great the wax job was? Ps most women don't even know what a vulva is, that's why gyno said vagina. I guarantee op doesnt know the difference.
Nice!! What a classy gyno! Im a woman and I think you should get a diffrent gyno... Before he/she gets to cumfortable with you, if you know what I meen
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