BAD NEWS: You're dead. sorry bro. i'll take good care of your sister... GOOD NEWS: your soul landed in the Southern Boy's version of Heaven. look out back, bet there's a tree stand...
you better lock that down. that's a keeper if i ever saw one. and if she keeps her bathroom cabinet stocked with plan B, you might wanna check your pulse. you might be dead
nothing says "sexy" like knowing she willfully has lots of unprotected sex with multiple partners, probably has an STD, and loves to bombard her body with unnaturally high levels of hormones rather than use protection
Thats how we Alabama Girls roll :) my porch has a grill and smoker, a fridge for the beer, and a deep freezer for the steak. i have a tiny fridge for beer too...its in my fishing boat ;)
Now me and her needs to become my best friend!!! We can take turns at each others house!!!! Haha beer liqours and wines seem to be both my fridges at least I'm not the only one smart enough to keep things stocked :)
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