Girls who get knocked up are ignorant sluts- there's no excuse- take the pill get a shot or keep that fish in the can! See u on 16 and Pregnant u filthy hillbilly!!!
Really, so just ignorant sluts get pregnant? So a smart, careful girl who has had sex with only one guy that she's in a relationship with and loves just happens to get pregnant and she's an ignorant slut. Love the stereo-typing.
Hillbilly too? So any girl that's even had sex is a dirty, filthy, stupid, slut? No dumbass, millions of girls have sex every single day and have a healthy lifestyle, a healthy relationship, and stay committed to one person. Even the girls on 16 and Pregnant. Don't get on tfln if your intent is to bash other people's lifestyles.
Bshooter, try to be a little clever next time. When listening to that phone call, your and you're sound the exact same. So while it is incorrect grammar written, doesn't sound any different. Therefore, you're the dumbass here.
Lol I saw this at a hockey game once. The guy was cheering for a goal, read his text afterwards and got all quiet then went and said FUCK my girlfriend is pregnant
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