all nice guys are gay and all hot ones are assholes
You're fat. Stop making excuses
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Way to not beat around the bush
The nice ones are hard to find, but they're out there.
My ex used to tell girls he was g@y, got to see tons of tits and they all wanted to "turn" him....
You can fix fat. You can't fix ugly and only an ugly person would respond to a text that way.
You sound fat.
nope, Hairy_Dan is spot-on. when you blame everyone else for you being single, you're either a stupid, self-absorbed, full of shit...or a fattie
All I hear from this text is wah wah wah
I feel for you...all the really hot ones are assholes because they know they're hot. I'd say the same works for girls as well. Try someone a little more "your speed"
Lose some weight and quit bitching.
Brutally honest. Lol classic.
And when Lynzee says "your speed" she means another fat fuck who won't judge you hahahaha
Brutal honesty, FTW
Ha ha ha zing!!!
yesssss Toronto!
Ass hole.
Thank god someone says it. There's like the exact same number of likes/dislikes
Perfect. Well played sir, well played.
So true
So rly didyou just get Pwnd Ina txt, hey fatty I think you did!
The truth is hard sometimes
Epic win hhhahaaahaha
its always good to have friends
Fat girl for. The. Win!!!!!1!!
R3X, you are just fucking retarted.
Oh snap...
i laughed for a good ten minutes at this
The truth hurts.
OHEY, my area code. Fuck yes, GTA. Toronto (y)
or plain uggly. just saying... ;)
905 represent. That girl deserved it
SLAPPY0605 TWO Fat people Cant be Together then it just looks like a bad Sumo wrestling Match One fat one Ugly or vice versa come on it's commen sense
That's really a mean thing to say in all of those comments go do something productive instead of bagging on other people!
drunk texting your ex that you dumped for a response will get you here. yes.
Hm. So am I. That was retarded.
That is true . . . even for those of us who are skinny. Feel free to prove me wrong . . .
I exist. Check. Mate.
I love it
best friend ever...
Bahahahaaha yessss
Fat bitches hate life. Some just hate it less. This one prolly hates it alot.
This is possibly the best tfln i have ever seen
Lol 905 is a good friend they r straight with u
Hahahahahaha. Asshole.
Yes MOST(not all) nice guys are g a y
@anon33--must be nice that you know no one you've had to be brutally honest with.
My area code is 905 lol
Ehhhhh GTA
except it's true.
AND now is when you stop texting the bitch and find better friends. If you text her again it us your own fault.
True to an extent... Hot guys usually know they're hot so they take advantage of it. But it's the same for girls, I'm the same way :/
Thank you!!!
Us hot guys are g ay too ;)
Annon33, you can fix ugly. Its called plastic surgery. Lol
if a guy's an asshole then deal with it. you're screwing a hot guy.
Lol, how pathetic. I could care less if someone doesn't like my "fat excuses". Have fun being a superficial twat for the rest of your life.
im nice :) but im bi so i guess ur half correct¿
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