so this was truly a case of the blacked out leading the blacked out.
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African Americaned out, we wouldn't want to offend.
MST3K reference? If so, you rock.
And the witness that remembers this event was who again?
Lol mr. Pc that's actually funny
Oooooh snap. Phys is calling you out!
Zipptiy zoop zope
F uck soviet Russia. I wanna stab everyone who says that
In Soviet Russia....
Also. Phys, clockwork: who said the OP was blacked out. Or, as MR_PC says, African-Americaned out. Maybe he was the witness.
How does shit like this make it up here?
What the hell does this even mean?
Oh no phys god forbid he be speaking in the past tense and fucked up on grammar. Fucking trolls.
not really that hard to figure out.\nit means someone that is so trashed they are blacking out leading others that are just as drunk
Maine retards
Machaveli2: it's a plaay on the saying, "the blind leading the blind."
So u an ur buddy took turns hitn each other n the butt?
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